Golang Stomp client.
go get github.com/maleck13/stompy
opts := stompy.ClientOpts{
HostAndPort: "localhost:61613",
Timeout: 20 * time.Second,
Vhost: "localhost",
User: "user",
PassCode: "pass",
Version: "1.2",
client := NewClient(opts)
err := client.Connect()
if err != nil{
sendHeaders := stompy.StompHeaders{}
sendHeaders["content-type"] = "application/json"
err = client.Publish("/test/test", []byte(`{"test":"test"}`), sendHeaders, nil)
if err != nil{
opts := stompy.ClientOpts{
HostAndPort: "localhost:61613",
Timeout: 20 * time.Second,
Vhost: "localhost",
User: "user",
PassCode: "pass",
Version: "1.2",
client := stompy.NewClient(opts)
err := client.Connect()
if err != nil{
rec := stompy.NewReceipt(time.Second * 1) //timeout after waiting for longer than a second for a receipt
sendHeaders := stompy.StompHeaders{}
sendHeaders["content-type"] = "application/json"
err = client.Publish("/test/test", "application/json", []byte(`{"test":"test"}`), sendHeaders, rec)
if err != nil{
//block until the receipt is received or the timeout fires
received := <- rec.Receipt
opts := stompy.ClientOpts{
HostAndPort: "localhost:61613",
Timeout: 20 * time.Second,
Vhost: "localhost",
User: "user",
PassCode: "pass",
Version: "1.2",
client := stompy.NewClient(opts)
err := client.Connect()
if err != nil{
subId, err = client.Subscribe("/test/test", func(f Frame) {
fmt.Println(f.Headers, string(f.Body))
}, StompHeaders{}, nil)
//to unsubscribe
err = client.Unsubscribe(subId, StompHeaders{}, nil)