Extract structured data from free text in Hacker News who is hiring monthly threads, using HN and OpenAI APIs.
The structured output will look like:
Demo. Yes the progress bar slow down at the end, because some concurrent threads are slower 🤷
Dependencies: jq
, openai
, rich
, tenacity
# Use poetry, or:
[[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]] && brew install jq || apt install jq
python3 -m pip install -U openai rich tenacity
Threads from January to June are uploaded in archive/ (PR welcome to add more).
# HN item id of latest hiring thread
export THREAD_ID="35424807"
# Set your OpenAI API key
export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."
# Fetch comments from HN api
./get_comments.sh "$THREAD_ID"
# Process each comments, will save to output.jsonl
# Cost about $0.07 for 350 comments (size of latest HN thread), using gpt-4o-mini
# Take about 30s
./process.py "comments_$THREAD_ID.json" [--output output.jsonl] [--max-parallel-requests 64]
# Or combined, will save the result under archive/NAME_OF_RESULTING_FILE.jsonl.tar.gz
./process_thread.sh "$THREAD_ID" NAME_OF_RESULTING_FILE
- Make use of function calling
- Reduce costs with more compact prompt
Example of post-processing, extract all salaries and convert from source currency to USD:
from pathlib import Path
import json
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
raw = [json.loads(x) for x in Path("output.jsonl").read_text().splitlines()]
# Get the first role for all comment with roles listed
df = pd.DataFrame([
x["model_output"] | x["model_output"]["roles"][0]
) for x in raw if (
x["status"] == "OK" and len(x["model_output"]["roles"]) > 0
# Only keep entries with salary
df = df[~df.salary.isna()]
# Do nothing fancy, just ignore what is not numerical
df.salary = pd.to_numeric(df.salary, errors="coerce")
df = df[(~df.salary.isna()) & (df.salary > 0)]
# Get current forex rate, courtesy of https://github.com/fawazahmed0/currency-api
_f = urllib.request.urlopen("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/fawazahmed0/currency-api@1/latest/currencies/usd.json")
rates_to_usd = json.load(_f)["usd"]
# Assuming missing currency is USD
df.loc[df.currency.isna(), "currency"] = "USD"
df["currency"] = df["currency"].apply(str.lower)
# Convert
def convert_currency(x):
if x["currency"] != "usd" and x["currency"] in rates_to_usd:
return round(x["salary"] / rates_to_usd[x["currency"]], 2)
return x["salary"]
df["salary_in_usd"] = df.T.apply(convert_currency)
# Show top salaries
print(df[["name", "salary_in_usd", "job_title", "locations"]].sort_values(by="salary_in_usd", ascending=False))
Look at the gpt-3.5 branch (or the v1.0-gpt-3.5 tag) for an early 2023 verions using GPT-3.5 without function calling or json mode.