A lua port of bullets.vim
- Include the plugin using your plugin manager of choice.
- config is a table containing your chosen options (see the code for available options; no helpfile provided at this time).
- Include in your init.lua
require('Bullets').setup({ config })
or for Lazy:
opts = {
colon_indent = true,
delete_last_bullet = true,
empty_buffers = true,
file_types = { 'markdown', 'text', 'gitcommit' },
line_spacing = 1,
mappings = true,
outline_levels = {'ROM','ABC', 'num', 'abc', 'rom', 'std*', 'std-', 'std+'},
renumber = true,
alpha = {
len = 2,
checkbox = {
nest = true,
markers = ' .oOx',
toggle_partials = true,