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A multi-platform (Flutter) application for connecting to Matrix - an open network for secure, decentralized communication, with your favorite devices.


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Twake Chat Client

Contributors Issues Documentation Android application Ios application

Twake Chat is an open source, decentralized chat app based on the Matrix protocol. It was developed by Linagora. Twake Chat is a good option for individuals and organizations who are looking for a secure and decentralized chat app. It is also a good choice for developers who want to build their own Matrix-based chat apps.


  • Send all kinds of messages, images and files
  • Voice messages
  • Location sharing
  • Push notifications
  • Unlimited private and public group chats
  • Public channels with thousands of participants
  • Feature rich group moderation including all matrix features
  • Discover and join public groups
  • Dark mode
  • Custom themes
  • Hides complexity of Matrix IDs behind simple QR codes
  • Custom emotes and stickers
  • Spaces
  • Compatible with Element, Nheko, NeoChat and all other Matrix apps
  • End to end encryption
  • Emoji verification & cross signing
  • And much more...


Please make sure to run the following command at first, to verify your code before each commit:

bash scripts/


  • Flutter 3.24 (more recent versions are not yet supported)

You can at any moment verify your flutter installation using:

flutter doctor -v


If you only plan to work on the web target we recommend installing Google Chrome as it is the default supported target (Flutter being developped by Google).

It is also required to have a web ready version of libolm available in the assets/js/package folder. You can build a version using:

docker run -v ./assets/js/package:/package nixos/nix:2.22.1

# within the docker
nix build -v --extra-experimental-features flakes --extra-experimental-features nix-command gitlab:matrix-org/olm/3.2.16?\#javascript
cp /result/javascript/* /package/. -v

# back on your host
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) ./assets/js/package -Rv


  • An implementation of JDK 17 (tested with openjdk-17.0.13+11)
  • An implementation of JDK 8 (tested with openjdk-8u432-b06)
  • (Optional) Android Studio
  • An Android SDK with:
    • Android build tools: 30.0.3
    • Android platform: 31, 32, 33, 34
    • CMake: 3.18.1
    • Android NDK: 23.1.7779620
    • Google APIs: enabled

Note: Gradle will try to install the JDK 8. If for any reasons the operation failed, try to install your own and use this method to tell Gradle where to find it.


  • Lib JsonCPP
  • Lib Secret
  • Lib RHash
  • Lib WebKit 2 GTK
  • Lib OLM

If needed, a complete list is available in the flake.nix.

On Ubuntu, the following command should install all the required elements:

sudo apt install libjsoncpp1 libsecret-1-dev libsecret-1-0 librhash0 libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libolm3

In addition, the Linux build requires Rust. For macOS or Linux, execute the following command in a terminal emulator:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

For Windows, you can use the Rust Installer.

In case you have Rust already installed, make sure to update it to latest version:

rustup update


A flake.nix is provided in order to ease the process of setting up your dev environment.

It should be automatically loaded if you have [nix-direnv]( installed and correctly configured.

Supported platforms:

  • Linux x86_64
  • MacOS aarch_64
  • MacOS x86_64
  • Windows

Configure the app

In order to run the web target you must provide a default configuration file. This can be done by copying the config.sample.json to config.json. Here is an example working with

  "application_name": "Twake Chat",
  "application_welcome_message": "Welcome to Twake Chat!",
  "default_homeserver": "",
  "privacy_url": "",
  "render_html": true,
  "hide_redacted_events": false,
  "hide_unknown_events": false,
  "issue_id": "",
  "app_grid_dashboard_available": true,
  "homeserver": "",
  "platform": "localDebug",
  "default_max_upload_avatar_size_in_bytes": 1000000,
  "dev_mode": true,
  "qr_code_download_url": "",
  "enable_logs": true,
  "support_url": ""

Runing the code

Before running the app, please update the dependancies:

flutter pub get && flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Now you can run the project:

flutter devices   # To list available run targets
# flutter run -d <device>, e.g:
flutter run -d chrome


Please use the helper script corresponding to your target in order to build:




# ./scripts/          ## For release purposes


# ./scripts/    ## For release purposes


Web version using Docker

  • Create a config file config.json in the root of the project with the following docs

  • Run the image using the following command:

docker run -d -p <host port>:<host port> -e TWAKECHAT_LISTEN_PORT=<host port> --name <container name> -v <host path>:/usr/share/nginx/html/web/config.json linagora/twake-web:<tag>
  • Open the browser and go to http://localhost:<hostport>

Sample to run Twake Chat web client with

  • Create a config file config.json with
  "app_grid_dashboard_available": true,
  "application_name": "Twake Chat",
  "application_welcome_message": "Welcome to Twake Chat!",
  "default_homeserver": "",
  "hide_redacted_events": false,
  "hide_unknown_events": false,
  "homeserver": "",
  "issue_id": "",
  "privacy_url": "",
  "render_html": true
  • Run the image using the following command with my port is 6868:
docker run -d -p 6868:6868 -e TWAKECHAT_LISTEN_PORT=6868 --name twake-web -v /path/to/config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/web/config.json linagora/twake-web:v2.6.5
  • Open the browser and go to http://localhost:6868

Special thanks

  • FluffyChat is the original repository of this project. A huge thanks to the upstream repository for their vital contributions, not only for this project but also for Matrix SDK in Dart

  • Fabiyamada is a graphics designer from Brasil and has made the fluffychat logo and the banner. Big thanks for her great designs.

  • Advocatux has made the Spanish translation with great love and care. He always stands by my side and supports my work with great commitment.

  • Thanks to MTRNord and Sorunome for developing.

  • Also thanks to all translators and testers! With your help, fluffychat is now available in more than 12 languages.

  • Noto Emoji Font for the awesome emojis.

  • WoodenBeaver sound theme for the notification sound.

  • The Matrix Foundation for making and maintaining the emoji translations used for emoji verification, licensed Apache 2.0


A multi-platform (Flutter) application for connecting to Matrix - an open network for secure, decentralized communication, with your favorite devices.





