Vue3 1078 websocket 实时对讲
关于录音,使用 xiangyuecn 大神的代码,地址:
npm i v3-live-talk
npm install --save v3-live-talk
To include v3-live-talk on your website or web application, use any of the following methods.
In main.ts
import Vue from 'vue'
import V3LiveTalk from 'v3-live-talk'
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import V3LiveTalk from 'v3-live-talk'
import 'v3-live-talk/dist/style.css'
interface TalkOptions {
url: string
imei: string
chn: number
enabled: boolean
lang: string
sampleRate: 16000
const _data: TalkOptions = {
url: 'ws://localhost:9090/ws/talk',
imei: '10000012348',
chn: 1,
enabled: false,
lang: 'zh-cn',
sampleRate: 16000
const self = reactive(_data)
<div style="margin-top: 20px;">
<button @click="self.enabled = true">打开对讲</button>
<button @click="self.enabled = false">关闭对讲</button>
Property | Description | Type | Default |
sampleRate | 采样率. 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000 | number | number |
bitRate | 采样深度. 8, 16 | number | 16 |
ws | websocket地址 | string | ws://localhost:9090/ws/talk |
imei | 设备id | string | 12345 |
chn | 通道号 | number | 1 |
lang | 本地化(小写). zh-cn, en, th | string | en |
enabled | 启动开关 | boolean | false |
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