This repo contains an experimental symbolic execution engine implemented in Solidity. If you write smart contracts in Solidity and write your tests also in Solidity, the analysis runs simply as part of the test suite, itself being a test library. Therefore, any framework that allows tests in Solidity should be able to run this symbolic execution, without any extra tooling. Since that code is not going to be deployed anyway we don't care about gas.
The VM opcode handling part was inspired by
During the symbolic run, path constraints are collected and for every JUMPI
opcode the analysis asks a Difference Logic solver (DLSolver.sol
) whether the
condition can ever be true.
If the condition can never be true, the event UnreachableBranch(pc)
emitted, giving the program counter of that branch.
If the condition can be true, the generated constraints are added into the list
of constraints, and the new true
branch is executed.
The negation of the generated constraints is added into the constraint list for
the false
This repo uses forge
from Foundry.
To run all the tests:
$ forge test
The tests in this repo include unit tests for the DL solver, and examples of how to use the symbolic engine. To run the latter:
$ forge test --match symb_run -vvvv
The first test, SymbExecTest::test_symb_run_simple
, shows us that the branch
starting at program counter 0x14 is unreachable! It can therefore be removed.
That branch is tag_2
, which represents the inner if
in the sample Yul code.
See the test for a detailed explanation.
In the last test, you should see
[PASS] test_symb_run_unreachable() (gas: 687208634)
[687208634] SymbExecTest::test_symb_run_unreachable()
├─ emit UnreachableBranch(pc: 382)
├─ emit UnreachableBranch(pc: 425)
├─ emit UnreachableBranch(pc: 468)
├─ emit UnreachableBranch(pc: 550)
└─ ← ()
This shows that the analysis found 4 useless branches in the bytecode!
Check src/test/SymbExec.t.sol
to understand why/where.
The analysis for a contract Analyzed can be invoked by calling
, as seen in the tests.
Note that the settings in this repo are not using the Solidity compiler's
optimizer on purpose.
The optimizer itself already removes some of these branches from the bytecode.
It is likely that many of the cases that this engine could optimize are already
covered by the compiler.
You will likely notice test result differences if you enable/disable the
optimizer settings infoundry.toml
Need to run more tests.
DL is a nice little logic that accepts expressions of the form a - b <= k
where a
and b
are variables, and k
is a constant.
The domain may be the Integers or the Reals.
A DL solver is similar to an LP solver, but a lot simpler.
It takes a set of constraints in the form above (instead of more general linear
constraints), and answers whether it is feasible for all the constraints to be
true at the same time.
The algorithm for solving sets of DL constraints is to represent the
constraints as a weighted graph, such that every constraint a - b <= k
is an
edge a -> b
with weight k
, and check whether the graph has a negative
The latter can be solved, for example, with the Bellman-Ford single source
shortest path algorithm with the negative cycle detection extension.
The proofs of the statements above are left as exercises to the reader.
For every JUMPI
we collect constraints from the condition and convert them to
DL expressions.
For example, if the JUMPI
condition is stack_slot_1 < 2
, this becomes
stack_slot_1 - zero <= 1
, where zero
is a symbolic variable that always
represents the constant 0 in the DL graph.
The encoding for GT
is similar.
The encoding for ISZERO
simply negates the encoding of its argument.
Equalities (EQ
) x = y
become two constraints: x - y <= 0
and y - x <= 0
In the case of disequalities, that is, the iszero(eq(...))
constraint for the
true branch of a JUMPI
, or the negation of an eq(...)
for the false branch,
we actually do not generate new constraints.
This is because the encoding of a disequality is actually a disjunction: a != b <=> !(a <= b && b <= a) <=> a > b || b > a
If the domain is the Integers (which it is in our case), the DL satisfiability
problem becomes NP-hard.
All the VM data structures, such as stack, path and constraints, are memory arrays.
There is a lot of copying of those arrays.
Some of them are intended, since we need to make a new VM when starting a new
branch, and continue the other branch with the current VM.
However, at times we simply want to extend an array without copying it
Since we can't extend memory arrays natively, we just create a new larger array
from scratch with the previous content copied, plus the desired extension.
The code base would definitely benefit from a memory vector, either natively
or from a library.