"RFC 5849: The OAuth 1.0 Protocol" client implementation for dart
Add to pubspec.yaml
git: git://github.com/kumar8600/dart-oauth1.git
Please use like below.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:oauth1/oauth1.dart' as oauth1;
void main() {
// define platform (server)
var platform = new oauth1.Platform(
'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token', // temporary credentials request
'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize', // resource owner authorization
'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token', // token credentials request
oauth1.SignatureMethods.HMAC_SHA1 // signature method
// define client credentials (consumer keys)
const String apiKey = 'LLDeVY0ySvjoOVmJ2XgBItvTV';
const String apiSecret = 'JmEpkWXXmY7BYoQor5AyR84BD2BiN47GIBUPXn3bopZqodJ0MV';
var clientCredentials = new oauth1.ClientCredentials(apiKey, apiSecret);
// create Authorization object with client credentials and platform definition
var auth = new oauth1.Authorization(clientCredentials, platform);
// request temporary credentials (request tokens)
auth.requestTemporaryCredentials('oob').then((res) {
// redirect to authorization page
print("Open with your browser: ${auth.getResourceOwnerAuthorizationURI(res.credentials.token)}");
// get verifier (PIN)
stdout.write("PIN: ");
String verifier = stdin.readLineSync();
// request token credentials (access tokens)
return auth.requestTokenCredentials(res.credentials, verifier);
}).then((res) {
// yeah, you got token credentials
// create Client object
var client = new oauth1.Client(platform.signatureMethod, clientCredentials, res.credentials);
// now you can access to protected resources via client
client.get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json?count=1').then((res) {
// NOTE: you can get optional values from AuthorizationResponse object
print("Your screen name is " + res.optionalParameters['screen_name']);
In addition, You should save and load the granted token credentials from your drive. Of cource, you don't need to authorize when you did it.