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Pull requests: kubernetes/kubernetes

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Pull requests list

[WIP] debug failing ResourceHealthStatus e2e tests area/kubelet area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130843 opened Mar 15, 2025 by nojnhuh Draft
Add ingressclasses to default edit & view RBAC policies #130841 cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130842 opened Mar 15, 2025 by arukiidou Loading…
[WIP] Kube proxy node manager area/ipvs area/kube-proxy cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130837 opened Mar 15, 2025 by aroradaman Draft
fix: Size computation for allocation may overflow cncf-cla: no Indicates the PR's author has not signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/cli Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG CLI. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130835 opened Mar 15, 2025 by odaysec Loading…
feat: add image parsing library to CEL area/apiserver cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130834 opened Mar 15, 2025 by vishal-chdhry Loading…
Add Unit Tests for Windows DSR and Overlay Support area/kube-proxy cncf-cla: no Indicates the PR's author has not signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. sig/windows Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Windows. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130833 opened Mar 15, 2025 by rzlink Loading…
disable in-place pod vertical scaling for swap enabled pods area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130831 opened Mar 14, 2025 by ajaysundark Draft
[WIP] debug containerd ImageVolume e2e tests area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130826 opened Mar 14, 2025 by nojnhuh Draft
WIP: Use tool directive instead of tools.go area/dependency Issues or PRs related to dependency changes cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/needs-sig Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `sig/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130824 opened Mar 14, 2025 by kei01234kei Draft
Update hostpathplugin image to v1.16.1 area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130823 opened Mar 14, 2025 by torredil Loading…
Move scheduler_perf topology spreading tests to a separate package approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. kind/flake Categorizes issue or PR as related to a flaky test. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130816 opened Mar 14, 2025 by macsko Loading…
Simplify bypass test by just testing shouldDelegateList function area/apiserver cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#130815 opened Mar 14, 2025 by serathius Loading…
Fix flaky RunTestConsistentList area/apiserver cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/flake Categorizes issue or PR as related to a flaky test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#130813 opened Mar 14, 2025 by serathius Loading…
Add test cases for negative resource version in TestList area/apiserver cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#130811 opened Mar 14, 2025 by serathius Loading…
[WIP] Adding windows profile to allow kubectl node debug area/kubectl cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/cli Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG CLI. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130807 opened Mar 14, 2025 by rtkgupta Draft
Reduce locking duration on cache to fetch data in SatefulSet Controller cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130806 opened Mar 14, 2025 by hakuna-matatah Loading…
vendor: update system-validators to v1.10.0 area/dependency Issues or PRs related to dependency changes cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/cluster-lifecycle Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cluster Lifecycle. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#130804 opened Mar 14, 2025 by bzsuni Loading… v1.33
[KEP-4265]: features: bump proc mount to on by default beta cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#130798 opened Mar 13, 2025 by haircommander Loading…
Add support for HPA configurable tolerance area/code-generation cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/autoscaling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Autoscaling. size/XXL Denotes a PR that changes 1000+ lines, ignoring generated files.
#130797 opened Mar 13, 2025 by jm-franc Loading…
Replace PodResourceAllocation with PodResourceInfoMap type and cleanup area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#130796 opened Mar 13, 2025 by ndixita Loading… v1.33
hack: remove approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-sig Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `sig/foo` label and requires one. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130787 opened Mar 13, 2025 by pohly Loading…
Kubeadm issue #3152 ControlPlane node setup failing with "etcdserver: can only promote a learner member" area/code-generation area/kubeadm area/test cncf-cla: no Indicates the PR's author has not signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/cluster-lifecycle Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cluster Lifecycle. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130782 opened Mar 13, 2025 by BernardMC Loading…
feat: add resourcequota validate request less than limits cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130780 opened Mar 13, 2025 by lengrongfu Loading…
Cherry pick of "Fix implementation of ContainsCIDR to allow non-equal addresses" on release-1.32 area/apiserver cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#130773 opened Mar 13, 2025 by JoelSpeed Loading… v1.32
Pop from backoffQ when activeQ is empty approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/scheduling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scheduling. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#130772 opened Mar 13, 2025 by macsko Loading…
ProTip! Find all pull requests that aren't related to any open issues with -linked:issue.