retiolum network files.
belongs to/etc/hosts
belongs to/etc/tinc/retiolum/hosts
For an example config look at example.nix
Create a new directory somewhere on your machine:
mkdir retiolum-cfg
Generate keypairs in that directory:
nix-shell -p tinc_pre --run 'tinc --config retiolum-cfg generate-keys 4096 </dev/null'
The stockholm repository contains (among other things) the configuration of the retiolum super nodes. This configuration needs to be updated in order to add new hosts to the network.
Checkout the repository and change into it:
git clone
cd stockholm
Add your user and host information to kartei/$MYNAME
, e.g. like so:
cp -r kartei/template kartei/$USER
$EDITOR kartei/$USER/default.nix
Prepare a pull-request:
git add kartei/$USER
git commit -m 'kartei $USER: init $MYHOST'
git format-patch origin/master..
This will print the file name of the formatted patch, which will be called
something like 0001-external-add-myhostname.patch
(depending on your commmit
message). The contents of that should look something like this:
From 75785902b71f03474c446694c5e1e25cd8c3ee23 Mon Sep 1700:00:00 2001
From: myname <myname@mydomain>
Date: 23 May 12719 11:34:66 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] kartei: init $MYHOST
kartei/template/default.nix | 4 ++++
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
diff --git a/kartei/$MYNAME/default.nix b/kartei/$MYNAME/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2acf78d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kartei/$MYNAME/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Of course you can also send the patch directly. E.g. if you have sendmail configured:
git format-patch --stdout [email protected] origin/master.. | tail -n +2 | sendmail -t
Join the #krebs channel on hackint.
If you don't know anything about IRC, you can just use this webirc:
If you are not known, introduce yourself, explain what you are doing and what you want to contribute.
Then send the formatted patch either sent via email to [email protected], or
upload it to some pastebin (preferably (use it with curl --data-binary) and share the
link to the pasted patch in #krebs.
Now some patience will be required, but you will soon receive confirmation or
change requests for your patch, and it will get deployed to the super nodes.
At this point your host will be able to join the network.
For the impatient, pinging lassulus
or tv
might speed up the process,
but usually we will act ASAP anyway.
after you have been approved..
check if your pubkey file is in the current master of (should be in a file named after your host in the hosts folder)
look into your pubkey file and copy your ipv6 address which got autogenerated.
copy the example.nix
to your configuration.nix, update the rev and sha256 of the retiolum fetchgit to the current master. (you have to update it everytime if new hosts join you want to connect to)
import the example.nix (you can choose a better name, like retiolum.nix) in your configuration.nix
configure your ipv6 address
inside configuration.nix:
imports = [
networking.retiolum.ipv4 = ""; # optional
networking.retiolum.ipv6 = "42:0:3c35::my:ip";
services.tinc.networks.retiolum = {
rsaPrivateKeyFile = "/path/to/tinc.rsa_key.priv";
ed25519PrivateKeyFile = "/path/to/tinc.ed25519.priv";
ping some host on the network, for example prism.r
ping 42:0:ce16::1
go to about:config and set:
browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words = true
See http://wiki.r for more information.