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Rae Discord bot includes music commands. Writed with KCommando JDA.

KCommando Framework

File Path Scheme

 | lib/
 | Rae.jar
 | config.json
 | data.dat

Data File -> Mute times are kept here to avoid data loss.

Config File -> Token, owners, cooldown time etc.

Config File

A bit complicated.

  "token": "TOKEN",
  "prefix": ".",
  "cooldown": 500,
  "owners": ["YOUR-ID"],
  "yasaklikelimeler": "",
  "yasakmesaji": "",
  "yasakmesajigonder": false,
  "hosgeldinmesaji": "Hoş geldin {{member}}! ",
  "hosgeldinmesajigonder": false,
  "muterolename": "Muted"

How To Install & Run?

git clone
cd Rae/
mvn install
cd target/Rae/
java -jar Rae.jar

After this commands, your Rae build is ready in target/Rae/

For run -> java -jar Rae.jar You must fill the config.json file.