Programmer pages: Github, Bitbucket.
+447956694595 | [email protected] |
Here are a few samples from .
- a sound app for the desktop (download)
- Marvel Comics: browse and manage your favourite comics for the desktop (download)
- Marvel Comics: browse and manage your favourite comics for the web .
Short Cover Letter:
I am the lead web and mobile developer at Joystick, for which I have received an outstanding reference. I created the website and mobile app. I work at Joystick with PHP Laravel, ReactJS and ReactJS Native. I added translation support for English and Spanish across the website and mobile app. I achieved the Recognition Award from the UK government Cabinet Office in April 2019 using Bash, PHP, Java and JavaScript. I was in the team at Mission Labs (2019 - 2020) that made the JD Sports mobile app using ReactJS Native. At Mission Labs I had ownership of the warehouse delivery management CRM software, made with AWS, NodeJS and ReactJS. See my website for more at .
Cover Letter:
Born and raised in south east London, I have excellent IT skills. I am a great time keeper with outstanding organisational skills. I am also always willing to learn new skills. I am friendly, helpful and polite, with a good sense of humour. I am able to work both independently and in busy teams.
I am outgoing, tactful and capable of listening effectively when solving problems.
Most importantly - I am dedicated and committed to performing to the best ability.
I am a person who strives to complete personal and team goals.
I have over 10 years programming experience working with Unix systems to a high level. I have enjoyed working with both monolithic and microservice applications.
I am a firm believer in using the right tool for the job. Specializing in backend server development I was fortunate to achieve the Recognition Award in April 2019 from the UK government Cabinet Office for my work with secure web systems, using Bash, PHP, Java and JavaScript. You can find out more about the award on my website at .
I was a software engineer at Mission Labs (2019 - 2020) in the team that made the JD Sports mobile app with ReactJS Native, and the warehouse delivery management software for which I had project ownership with AWS, ReactJS and NodeJS.
I created, managed and deployed the website and mobile app for Joystick. I created the website with PHP Laravel and ReactJS, and I created the mobile app with ReactJS Native. I received an outstanding reference for this role. At Joystick the website and mobile app needed to have the same look and feel as the Joystick logo. The website and mobile app for Joystick have translation support for English and Spanish.
I worked as a contractor lead web developer at VacancySoft for 23 months (April 2022 - February 2024) where I created systems in Python Django and PHP Laravel that would scrape millions of websites in routines, gathering data as VacancySoft is a publishing data company.
At Job Sender in 2020, I was responsible for the entire IT side of things for its job-posting platform. I oversaw and contributed towards the complete technical operations for the company including but not limited to managing programming, IT infrastructure, task management, development and product technical direction. I learned and used the pre-existing FuelPHP-framework app to add a job board and to create an API for third parties to access system operations like job posting.
I achieved the UK government Cabinet Office Recognition Award at 22 years old (22/04/19) (link) (link2) (link3).
I didn't go to university.
SQL, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Bash.
Code snippets:
Remastered Baseball PHP Reactjs App.
Add PHP Backend For Creating PDFs (Frontend Already Done).
Add Creating Pdfs in Reactjs App.
PHP Github to Bitbucket Backup Repo Updater.
NodeJS Github to Bitbucket Backup Repo Updater.
Define roles & permissions for all access user.
Test Driven Development Movies App.
Add core app completing crm-laravel-10 upgrade.
Expressjs debugging & file logs for development.
Fix variables for views after big SQL usage upgrade.
Successful admin/ authenticate after big SQL usage upgrade.
I built Premium Artist CMS Template in one week in early 2020.
Building the MRVL (15 Jun 23) desktop app (MRVL desktop) (MRVL web).
Premium templates:
The best IDEs (Integration Development Environment) in no particular order:
I am working with Visual Studio Code.
- Use TAB key to trigger emmet snippets in Vim (
- Eclipse (Windows, macOs, Ubuntu Linux) (The Leading Open Platform for Professional Developers)
- Notepad++ (Windows)
- TextMate (macOs)
- Sublime Text (Windows, macOs, Ubuntu Linux) (written in C++, Python)
- vscode-settings.json.
Production best practices: security
Interview Prep:
My gists:
Open-source projects I've contributed to:
Business cards printed:
Useful commands:
npx npkill
npx gitignore
$( pnpm bin )/react-scripts
npm cache clean --force
ctrl + r # reverse search in the terminal
# command-line history & quick cmd select
hstr clone
ps aux | grep -e Google
sudo kill -9 `pgrep oogle`
netstat -ltpn
Software engineering challenges with solutions and tests: control (programmer pages):
Height: 6 foot 4 inches.
Favourite football team: Arsenal.
Free Text To Speech Reader Online. I use that to listen to articles, books and tutorials.
YouTube Video and Audio Downloader Online.
Binaural Beats Explained (see description for 5 different wave types).
Favourite music: The Kelvin Kamara sound app.
Favourite photo: Node.js CRM 5.png
Nationality: I have a UK passport.
I was born and raised in Lewisham, south east London. I am from Lagos, Nigeria on my father's side. I am also from Sierra Leone. I have visited Lagos, Nigeria, twice.
I use f.lux to reduce eye strain. This software is available for Windows operating system.
I have an alarm every day at 8pm to stop coding and rest. I mostly adhere to this except in rare cases.
PTSD Healing (64kbps):
Drum and Bass (DnB) Music:
- GQ Podcast - Drum & Bass Mix [Ep.98]
- GQ Podcast - Drum and Bass Mix & Rogue Guest Mix [Ep.70]
- GQ Podcast - DNB / Drumstep Mix & Phetsta Guest Mix [Ep.111]
- GQ Podcast - Drum & Bass Mix & Optiv & BTK Guest Mix [Ep.92]
- GQ Podcast - Liquid Dubstep Mix & The McMash Clan Guest Mix [Ep.102]
- GQ Podcast - Dubstep Mix & Konec Guest Mix [Ep.110]
- GQ Podcast - DNB Mix & Muzzy Guest Mix [Ep.116]
- GQ Podcast - Drum & Bass Mix & Maduk Guest Mix [Ep.95]
- GQ Podcast - Dubstep Mix & Fractal Guest Mix [Ep.118]