This project is a general practical exercise to let you discover networking.
subject v.2
Project Structure π
βββ _notebook
β βββ ipv4_calculator.ipynb
βββ _subject
β βββ en.subject.pdf
β βββ net_practice.1.4.tgz
βββ project
βββ level1.json
βββ level2.json
βββ level3.json
βββ level4.json
βββ level5.json
βββ level6.json
βββ level7.json
βββ level8.json
βββ level9.json
βββ level10.json
TCP/IP addressing forms the backbone of modern network communication.
This project focuses on gaining a practical understanding of IP addresses, subnet masks, routers, and how they interact within a network to facilitate communication between devices.
π - IPv4 Calculator
Calculate the network address from the IP address and netmask.
Step 1: Write the given IP address in binary format.
Step 2: Write the subnet mask in binary form.
Step 3: Perform the logical ANDing operation between the corresponding octets of the IP address and the subnet mask.
Step 4: Convert the result back to the decimal format and this will be the network address.
# IP Address ----------------------------------------------------------------->
ip_addr = input("IP Address []: ")
ip_addr_b = " ".join("{:08b}".format(int(byte)) for byte in ip_addr.split("."))
# Netmask -------------------------------------------------------------------->
netmask = int(input("Netmask [CIDR notation]: "))
netmask_b = "".join('1' if i < netmask else '0' for i in range(32))
netmask_b = " ".join(netmask_b[i:(i + 8)] for i in range(0, 32, 8))
# Network Address ------------------------------------------------------------>
network_addr_bin = "".join(str(int(ip_addr_b[i]) & int(netmask_b[i])) if
ip_addr_b[i] != " " else " " for i in range(35))
network_addr = "".join(str(int(byte, 2)) + "." for byte in
network_addr_bin.split(" ")).strip(".")
# Visualization -------------------------------------------------------------->
f"IP Address {ip_addr_b} -> {ip_addr}\n"
f" AND\n"
f"Netmask {netmask_b} -> /{netmask}\n"
f" -----------------------------------\n"
f"Network Address {network_addr_bin} -> {network_addr}/{netmask}"
IP Address 10100111 11110001 00101010 00010101 ->
Netmask 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111000 -> /29
Network Address 10100111 11110001 00101010 00010000 ->
Calculate broadcast address from the network address.
- Step 1: replace all bits dedicated to hosts with 1.
# Network Address ------------------------------------------------------------>
network = input("Network Address []: ")
netmask = int(network[-2:])
network_addr = network[:-3]
network_addr_b = "".join("{:08b}".format(int(byte)) for byte in
# Broadcast Address ---------------------------------------------------------->
broadcast_addr_b = network_addr_b[:netmask] + '1' * (32 - netmask)
broadcast_addr = ".".join(str(int(broadcast_addr_b[i:i+8], 2)) for i in
range(0, 32, 8))
# Visualization -------------------------------------------------------------->
def add_spaces(string):
return ' '.join(string[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, 32, 8))
f"Network Address {add_spaces(network_addr_b)} -> {network}\n"
f" -----------------------------------\n"
f"Broadcast Address {add_spaces(broadcast_addr_b)} -> {broadcast_addr}"
Network Address 10100111 11110001 00101010 00010000 ->
Broadcast Address 10100111 11110001 00101010 00010111 ->
Valid host addresses are those all between the network address and the broadcast address.
# Network Address ------------------------------------------------------------>
network = input("Network Address []: ")
# Broadcast Address ---------------------------------------------------------->
broadcast = input("Broadcast Address []: ")
# Hosts Addresses ------------------------------------------------------------>
print(f"Host min -> {network} + 1\nHost max -> {broadcast} - 1")
Host min -> + 1
Host max -> - 1