Keploy is a no-code testing platform that generates tests from API calls.
We'd love to collaborate with you to make Keploy great. To get started:
To Contribute to Keploy Student Program Website, please follow the following steps.
Fork this Repository(by clicking Fork Icon on top right of the repository).
Clone this repository to your Local Machine using:
git clone
- Install the required dependencies using:
npm install
- Once the required packages are installed, run the following command to host this project on localhost:
npm start
Make the desired changes
Add, commit & push the changes, using:
git add .
git commit -m "changes you made in the project" #Please make sure to mention which issue is closed by these changes. You can also use "cz c"
git push
- Before raising a PR, please sure to 'Fetch Upstream' to avoid conflicts with existing codebase.