Throughput measurement and testing app, mostly intended to test CCTV & IP-video system designs for domestic projects
You need following tools/libs:
- Cmake v2.8
- FLTK v1.3.*
- OpengGL. spec v > 2
- GLU (included in FLFK library)
- Boost 1.53
- recommended: libjpeg-turbo
Note: other versions of software may work.
Go to dir you want to create copy of project, than extract application sources from repository
$ git clone eye
Make build directory:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
Run cmake:
where $PATH_TO_BOOST_DIST is a path where cmake can find boost headers (usually root of boost/* path) and libraries. $PATH_TO_SRC is a path to freshly extracted sources, usually you can just type:
$ cmake ..
If cmake generates makefile, run:
$ make
If cmake fail, report a bug ;)
If make succeed, you should have EyeOfFly binary in build directory It possible to see some warings
Should work, as all libraries and tools are crossplatform, but have never tried build process on Windows.
MinGW with gcc >= v4.6 highly recommended
May work, but there aren't any reason to port app to other systems, as they are not of any interest of customer.
On Linux run:
$ ./EyeOfFly
- Show CPU load
- Add/Remove cameras with GUI
- Change dynamically the columns and rows number of view
- Reformat IO part as separate library
- Add resize of main view
- Context menu for every view cell
- Gprof and optimization of network part
- Save and restore configuration on exit/start
- Work with ONFIV protocol
- Work with our server part
- User accounts