A Git server for the laziest of us. Write and test your Git utilities without any hassle.
If all you need is a no-auth Git remote (not necessarily a server), consider trying Git's Local protocol first.
Gittlz is meant to work in place of a live Git host for development purposes, and not to act as a production server in any form. If that's what you were looking for, try Gitea, Gogs, OneDev, or Soft Serve, among the many projects floating around.
This will likely be repeated several times throughout this documentation: Do not use Gittlz as a production Git server.
Have the following software installed before using Gittlz:
- Docker (to run the container)
- Go v1.19+ (to build/install the CLI)
Gittlz requires no configuration by default - just point a Git client at it and get started:
docker run --rm -it -p 6177:6177 -p 9418:9418 karashiiro/gittlz:latest
If you want to use a persistent directory for repositories, mount it to /srv/git
docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/repos:/srv/git:rw -p 6177:6177 -p 9418:9418 karashiiro/gittlz:latest
Repositories should be bare repositories on the server. The Gittlz CLI abstracts away this setup process:
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install github.com/karashiiro/[email protected]
gittlz create-repo repo
Then, you can clone repositories from a Git client outside the container:
git clone git://localhost/repo.git
And that's it! Enjoy your Gittlz.
The Gittlz Docker image makes this setup process
nearly as simple as it can be. The image is based on Alpine Linux, but it includes a full Git installation, which
can be used to manually perform operations inside the container. sh
is available as a basic shell for manual
repository setup, if needed.
These are some common workflows using Gittlz, provided with minimal commentary and as few assumptions as possible. These examples use Git Bash, and may need to be adjusted to work in other shells. The Gittlz CLI is assumed to be installed before running these examples.
# Create the Gittlz instance with non-persistent data, and detach it from the shell
docker run --rm -it -d --name=gittlz -p 6177:6177 -p 80:80 karashiiro/gittlz:latest gittlz serve --protocol=http --username=gitt --password=lz
# Create a repository on the server called "example.git"
gittlz create-repo example
# Base64-encode the username:password pair
echo -n "gitt:lz" | base64 # Z2l0dDpseg==
# Clone the repository
git -c http.extraHeader="Authorization: Basic Z2l0dDpseg==" clone http://localhost:80/example.git
# (Optional) Delete the Gittlz instance, and all of the data on it
docker kill gittlz
An example workflow file is available here. Gittlz can be used via service containers on Linux runners. Using Gittlz on other runners requires containerless setup.
Gittlz comes preconfigured with no authentication whatsoever. All of the optional authentication methods provided are intentionally insecure - Gittlz favors convenience over security where possible.
Do not use Gittlz as a production Git server.
The following forms of authentication are configurable:
- SSH password authentication
- SSH key authentication
- HTTP URL authentication
- HTTP basic authentication
This covers the majority of authentication schemes used by Git hosting providers.
Start the server with a command override, replacing the port mapping and password options as needed:
docker run --rm -it -p 6177:6177 -p 22:22 karashiiro/gittlz:latest gittlz serve --protocol=ssh --password=password
Then, clone repositories by providing the password interactively:
git clone ssh://localhost/repo.git
# Cloning into 'repo'...
# you@localhost's password: password
It is not possible to use this authentication method non-interactively.
Note that Gittlz will not validate the SSH key used to access the server. This is intentional, as key configuration has little to do with a Git server's public interface. That said, if your use case requires SSH key auth failures, open an issue describing your intended workflow.
Start the server with a command override, replacing the port mapping as needed:
docker run --rm -it -p 6177:6177 -p 22:22 karashiiro/gittlz:latest gittlz serve --protocol=ssh
Then, clone repositories with a Git client:
git clone ssh://localhost/repo.git
You may also want to override your Git client's SSH command to avoid host key verification errors. This
is done by setting the GIT_SSH_COMMAND
environment variable, which is shell-specific. In sh
-like shells,
this can simply be prepended to the command:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" git clone ssh://localhost/repo.git
See HTTP basic authentication. The same setup applies, but the username and password can be embedded in the URL:
git clone http://gitt:lz@localhost/repo.git
This authentication scheme is both insecure and deprecated by many clients. Some Git clients will even
silently strip the credentials out of the URL. cURL automatically converts it into an Authorization
Be prepared to debug issues yourself.
Start the server with a command override, replacing the port mapping, username, and password options as needed:
docker run --rm -it -p 6177:6177 -p 80:80 karashiiro/gittlz:latest gittlz serve --protocol=http --username=gitt --password=lz
Then, make sure to base64-encode the username and password somewhere locally. Most operating systems and shells have a means of doing this. In Powershell, for example:
$gittlzAuth = "gitt:lz"
$B64gittlzAuth = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($gittlzAuth))
Finally, add the http.extraHeader
option to all of your Git commands:
git -c http.extraHeader="Authorization: Basic $B64gittlzAuth" clone http://localhost/repo.git
The Gittlz container attempts to abstract configuration as much as possible, without sacrificing maintainability or debuggability. However, Gittlz is also just a CLI application, and can be built and run in other environments.
Building Gittlz from sources is simple, just disable cgo
(optional) and install it like any other
Go application. In sh
-like shells, this is done as follows:
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install github.com/karashiiro/[email protected]
Gittlz has runtime dependencies on the standard git
toolkit and git-http-backend
. git-http-backend
is a CGI script sometimes offered as part of a separate git-daemon
package. For Windows users,
Git for Windows includes everything needed in a single installer.
Refer to the --help
commands such as gittlz --help
and gittlz serve --help
for configuration
Git's server functionality is mostly usable out of the box, and the official handbook even dedicates an entire chapter to describing how to configure and use it. However, that's more configuration than anyone should want to do if they only want a disposable HTTP or SSH Git server, and don't care about security at all.
With this being the case, Gittlz is just a very thin wrapper around Git itself, with the exception of the handling for the SSH protocol. Each protocol has a different strategy used to wrap it.
Protocol | Strategy |
Git | git daemon is launched as a subprocess. That's it. |
HTTP | net/http/cgi (yes, that's part of the Go standard library) is used to interface with git-http-backend . Gittlz adds some authentication middleware to simulate a typical managed Git provider. |
SSH | charmbracelet/wish is used to set up a simple SSH server in front of Git. Gittlz's implementation is almost an exact copy of Wish's Git example. |
The serve
command is used to select
which protocol is used at runtime.
Finally, a control API is put on top for simpler repository creation within the container.