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This aims to be a complete library for encoding, decoding and manipulating MIDI data - including the tricky parts. Reading from standard MIDI files is also supported.


A MIDI message is represented essentially as a std::variant of simple aggregate types, one for each kind of message. These are defined in <jw/midi/message.h>, near the top. To avoid unwieldy variant visitors, these are further separated into categories channel_message, system_message and realtime_message.

The class that binds these all together is simply called message. These can be constructed from the basic message types, with a channel number where applicable - categorization is performed automatically. It also includes a timestamp. If you don't need that, you can use untimed_message.

Transmitting and receiving messages is performed through regular iostreams. You can use the stream operators << and >>, or functions emit() and extract(). A non-blocking version of the latter is try_extract().

Time for some brief examples. Let's send a C5 note on channel 0, followed by a clock tick:

my_stream << midi::message { 0, midi::note_event { 72, 100, true } };
my_stream << midi::message { midi::realtime::clock_tick };

Manipulating received messages is also quite straightforward. The following is a MIDI passthrough that sets the velocity for all note events to 100:

midi::message msg;
while (true)
    my_stream >> msg;
    if (auto* ch_msg = std::get_if<midi::channel_message>(&msg.category))
        if (auto* event = std::get_if<midi::note_event>(&ch_msg->message))
            event->velocity = 100;
    my_stream << msg << std::flush;


MIDI may look like a simple protocol at first, but there are a few 'gotchas'. One is "running status", where the status byte for a channel message may be omitted if it is identical to the last. Another is that realtime messages may appear right in the middle of any other message.

Interpreting MIDI data from a byte stream therefore requires some global state for context. This library uses xalloc()/pword() to store this state inside the iostream itself.

This state also includes a mutex for safe concurrent stream access. Since realtime messages may be freely interleaved with other messages, the mutex is not locked when transmitting these. The underlying streambuf therefore still needs to be implemented in a thread-safe manner, but does not need to (and ideally, should not) enforce strict sequencing.

To make realtime messages truly real-time, you can implement a realtime_streambuf (defined in jwutil, <jw/io/realtime_streambuf.h>). This is essentially a regular streambuf with one additional virtual function, put_realtime(), which puts a single byte on the wire immediately, bypassing any buffers.

When receiving a message that is interrupted by a realtime message, the realtime message is always returned first. The next message will then be the initial message, with a timestamp that precedes the realtime one.

Another 'gotcha' is timed sysex messages, where the timing of individual sysex bytes is important. Handling these is currently not implemented - receiving such a message may block for an extended period of time, and sending them may result in protocol errors. Fortunately, they are only very rarely encountered.


There is one dependency: jwutil. Both this library and jwutil are meant to be added as a submodule in your project.

Building involves calling the configure script, then running make - pretty straightforward. The configure script needs to know the path to the jwutil build directory, specify this via --with-jwutil=....


C++20 MIDI protocol library








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