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Project: Metis Wrapper


This project provides a user-friendly C++ wrapper around the robust Metis K-Way graph partitioning algorithm, enabling seamless usage with versatile NumPy arrays for input and output data representation.


Metis Integration: Core functionality focuses on encapsulating the Metis K-Way partitioning API within a well-designed C++ interface and provides easy-to-use binary. NumPy Compatibility: Implement conversion mechanisms between Metis data structures and NumPy arrays, ensuring effortless data flow in common scientific computing pipelines.


  1. C++ Files cppmetis: Define classes, functions, and data types for representing graphs (adjacency structures) and interacting with the Metis library.
  2. Wrapper functions for Metis API calls.
  3. Build scripts: Manage project compilation and linking, including dependencies on Metis and NumPy libraries.
  4. Metis v5.0, ParMetis v4.0, MT-Metis v0.7, cnpy, oneTBB

Potential Use Cases:

You want to use Metis to conduct kWay partitioning but found it difficult to use/slow.


Single Threaded:

C++ compiler (GCC >=9 ), Ninja, CMake.




MPI is required, recommend using MPICH v4.2 and above for it supports MPI standard v4.1, which is necessary for handling large graphs with more than 2 billion edges or nodes.

cd /tmp
tar -xvf mpich-4.2.1.tar.gz
cd mpich-4.2.1
export MPI_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/local # change this to your prefered place
./configure --prefix=$MPI_INSTALL_PREFIX --with-pmi=pmix # this might take a while
make -j > m.txt 2>&1 # this might take a while
make install
# add MPI to your path

How to compile:

To build main binaries:


To use ParMETIS (distributed), you must agree to its Licence.

How to use METIS binaries provided in this project:

./bin/main \
--num_partition="[number of partitions (default 4)]" \
--num_init_part="[number of initial partitions (default 1)]" \
--num_iteration="[number of iterations (default 10)]" \
--unbalance_val="[unbalance tolerance of each partition (default 1.05)]" \
--indptr="[path to indptr file (Required)]" \
--indices="[path to indices file (Required)]" \
--output="[path to output file (Required)]" \
--node_weight="[path to node_weight file (Optional)]" \
--edge_weight="[path to edge_weight file (Optional)]" \

Alternatively, to use the multi-threaded version, change ./bin/main with ./bin/mt_main.

To use the distributed version, change ./bin/main with mpirun -np [number of process] ./bin/mpi_main.

All the input files must end with .npy and are NumPy arrays stored in int64_t format.

Metis requires:

  1. The graph is undirected (symmetrical), meaning that if (u -> v) then (v -> u).
  2. The graph has no self-loops.

So the input graph must be symmetric and undirected with no self-loops.

indptr: Indptr of the graph, assume ids are 0 indexed and contiguous.

indices: Adjacency lists in an array, must contain edges in both directions.

node_weight: If provided, each node in the graph should have the same number of weights.

edge_weight: If provided, must have a length equal to the number of edges in the graph. All weights should be greater than 0 (no zero entries).

output: The path to save the result, must end with .npy, the result will be saved as an int64_t NumPy array.

Graph Preprocessing

We also provide utilities to_sym for you to convert directed graphs to undirected graphs.

./bin/to_sym \
--indptr="[path to indptr file (Required)]" \
--indices="[path to indices file (Required)]" \
--edge_weight="[path to edge_weight file (Optional)]" \
--output="[path to output directory (Required)]" \

Suppose the output directory is ./output, the resulting symmetrical graph will be saved as:

   indptr_sym.npy # indptr for the symmetrical graph
   indices_sym.npy # indices for the symmetrical graph
   edge_weight_sym.npy # edge weights for the symmetrical graph


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