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SearchLingo is a framework for defining simple, user-friendly query languages and translating them into their underlying queries.

It was originally designed after I found myself implementing the same basic query parsing over and over again across different projects. I wanted a way to simplify the process without having to worry about application-specific aspects of searching.

The way the searches themselves are performed lies outside the scope of this project. Although originally designed to work with basic searching with ActiveRecord models, it should be usable with other data stores provided they let you build complex queries by chaining together simpler queries.


Version 2 introduces a breaking change to the parsing workflow. In older versions, parsers were sent one argument (the token), and were expected to return an array that would be sent to the scope using #public_send. The new version sends the token and the filter chain to the parsers, and they are expected to append methods to the filter chain and return the result. This change makes it possible for parsers to make more than one addition to the filter chain.

After upgrading, your parsers should be upgraded as follows:

# Before
parser do |token|
  if token.modifier == 'something'
    [:where, { column: token.term }]

# After
parser do |token, chain|
  if token.modifier == 'something'
    chain.where column: token.term

Similar changes will need to be made to your #default_parse implementation.

# Before
def default_parse(token)
  [:where, { column: token }]

# After
def default_parse(token, chain)
  chain.where column: token

If you provided your own implementation of #scope in your search class to ensure that certain relations were joined, you may want to revisit the decision in case the joins can be added only if needed by a particular parser.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'search_lingo'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install search_lingo


Concrete examples of how to use this gem are provided in examples/ and test/examples/, but here is a simple example.

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base

class TaskSearch < SearchLingo::AbstractSearch
  def default_parse(token, chain)
    chain.where 'name LIKE ?', "%#{token}%"
end'foo bar', Task.all).results
# => Task.where('name LIKE ?', '%foo%').where('name LIKE ?', '%bar%')'"foo bar"', Task.all).results
# => Task.where('name LIKE ?', '%foo bar%')

And here is a more complex example.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :tasks

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :tasks

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :category
  belongs_to :user
  enum state: %i[incomplete complete]

class TaskSearch < SearchLingo::AbstractSearch
  parser do |token, chain|
    token.match(/\Ais:\s*(?<state>(?:in)?complete)\z/) do |m|
      # Appends a named scope defined by `enum` to filter chain
      chain.public_send m[:state].to_sym

  parser do |token, chain|
    if token.modifier == 'cat'
      # Appends a join and a where clause to the filter chain.
      chain.joins(:category).where categories: { name: token.term }

  parser do |token, chain|
    token.match(/\A(?<op>[<>])(?<prio>[[:digit:]]+)\z/) do |m|
      priority = Task.arel_table[:priority]
      if m[:op] == '<'
        chain.where m[:prio]
        chain.where m[:prio]

  def default_parse(token, chain)
    chain.where Task.arel_table[:name].matches "%#{token}%"
end'cat: foo <2 "bar baz" is: incomplete', Task.all).results
# => Task.all
# ->   .joins(:category)
# ->   .where(categories: { name: 'foo' })
# ->   .where(Task.arel_table[:priority].gt(2))
# ->   .where(Task.arel_table[:name].matches('%bar baz%'))
# ->   .incomplete

user = User.find 42'is: complete "foo bar"', user.tasks).results
# => user.tasks.complete.where(Task.arel_table[:name].matches('%foo bar%'))

A search class should inherit from SearchLingo::AbstractSearch, and it should provide its own implementation of #default_parse. Register additional parsers with .parser as needed.

Instantiate your search class with a query string and the scope on which to search. Send that instance #results to compile and execute the search and return the results.

How It Works

A search is instantiated with a query string and a search scope (such as an ActiveRecord model). The search breaks the query string down into a series of tokens and parses them, composing the search query by chaining method calls onto the initial search scope.

A search class registers zero or more special-case parsers. Processing of each token runs through the parsers in the order in which they were registered. Parsing of a single token halts when a parser succeeds. When a parser succeeds, it should append to the search scope a method call which implements the filter for the given token. When a parser fails, it should return a nil or false.

If all of the registered parsers fail, and the token is compound, it is simplified and reprocessed by the same set of parsers (see "Tokenization" for more information).

If still no parser has successfully parsed the token, it falls back on the #default_parse.

Search Classes

Search classes should inherit from SearchLingo::AbstractSearch. They must provide their own implementation of #default_parse which should probably, at a minimum, return the current filter chain. Custom parsers can be registered with the .parser class method. Custom parsers are tried in the same order in which they are defined. Bear this in mind when defining parsers.


Queries are comprised of zero or more tokens separated by white space. A token is an optional modifier followed by a term. A modifier is one or more alphanumeric characters and is followed by a colon. A term can be a single word or multiple words contained within double quotes (both foo and "foo bar baz" are valid single terms).

TOKEN    := (MODIFIER ':' [[:space:]]*)? TERM
MODIFIER := [[:alnum:]]+
TERM     := '"' [^"]* '"' | [[:graph:]]+

The following are all examples of tokens:

  • foo
  • "foo bar"
  • foo: bar
  • foo: "bar baz"

(If you need a term to equal something that might otherwise be interpreted as a modifier, you can enclose the term in double quotes, e.g., while foo: bar would be interpreted a single compound token, "foo:" bar would be treated as two distinct simple tokens, and "foo: bar" would be treated as a single simple token.)

Tokens are passed to parsers as instances of the SearchLingo::Token class. SearchLingo::Token provides #modifier and #term methods, but delegates all other behavior to the String class. Consequently, when writing parsers, you have the option of either interacting with examining the modifier and term individually or treating the entire token as a String and processing it yourself. The following would produce identical results:

token ='foo: "bar baz"')

if token.modifier == 'foo' then token.term end   # => 'bar baz'
token.match(/\Afoo:\s*"?(.+?)"?\z/) { |m| m[1] } # => 'bar baz'

(Note that #term takes care of stripping away quotes from the term.)


Any object that responds to #call can be used as a parser. It will be sent two arguments: the token and the current filter chain. If a parser succeeds, it should append one or more methods to the filter chain and return the result. If a parser fails, it should return a falsey value (usually nil).

For very simple parsers which need not be reusable, you can pass the parsing logic to the parser method as a block:

class MySearch < SearchLingo::AbstractSearch
  parser do |token, chain|
    token.match(/\Aid:[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)\z/) do |m|
      chain.where id: m[1]

If you want to re-use a parser, you could implement it as a lambda:

module Parsers
  ID_PARSER = lambda do |token, chain|
    token.match(/\Aid:[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)\z/) do |m|
      chain.where id: m[1]

class MySearch < SearchLingo::AbstractSearch
  parser Parsers::ID_PARSER

class MyOtherSearch < SearchLingo::AbstractSearch
  parser Parsers::ID_PARSER

For more complex cases, you may choose to implement a parser as its own class.

module Parsers
  class DateParser
    US_DATE = %r{(?<m>\d{1,2})/(?<d>\d{1,2})/(?<y>\d{4})}

    attr_reader :column

    def initialize(column)
      @column = column

    def call(token, chain)
      catch :halt do
        parse_simple_date token, chain
        parse_date_range token, chain
        parse_open_date_range token, chain


    # Parses simple dates like "10/2/2018"
    def parse_simple_date(token, chain)
      token.match(/\A#{US_DATE}\z/) do |m|
        date = Date.parse '%04d-%02d-%02d' % m.values_at(:y, :m, :d)
        throw :halt, chain.where(column.eq(date))
    rescue ArgumentError
      # Raised by Date.parse for invalid dates

    # Parses date ranges like "10/1/2018-10/31/2018"
    def parse_date_range(token, chain)
      token.match(/\A#{US_DATE}-#{US_DATE}\z/) do |m|
        min = Date.parse '%04d-%02d-%02d' % m.values_at(3, 1, 2)
        max = Date.parse '%04d-%02d-%02d' % m.values_at(6, 4, 3)
        throw :halt, chain.where(
    rescue ArgumentError
      # Raised by Date.parse for invalid dates

    # Parses open-ended date ranges like "10/1/2018-" or "-10/31/2018"
    def parse_open_date_range(token, chain)
      token.match(/\A(?<min>#{US_DATE})-|-(?<max>#{US_DATE})\z) do |m|
        if m[:min]
          date = Date.parse '%04d-%02d-%02d' % m.values_at(:y, :m, :d)
          throw :halt, chain.where(column.gteq(date))
          date = Date.parse '%04d-%02d-%02d' % m.values_at(:y, :m, :d)
          throw :halt, chain.where(column.lteq(date))
    rescue ArgumentError
      # Raised by Date.pares for invalid dates

class EventSearch < SearchLingo::AbstractSearch

(Date parsing was a convenient example of a parser complex enough to warrant its own class, but a date parser is included with the gem. See "Date Parsers" below for more information.)

Date Parsers

One of the non-trivial parsing tasks I found myself constantly reimplementing was searching for records matching a date or a date range. To provide examples of moderately complex parsers and avoid having to think about this parsing problem again, I've included several parsers for handling US-formatted dates and date ranges. They will handle dates formatted as M/D/YYYY, M/D/YY, and M/D. (For M/D, the year is inferred based on the current year and with the assumption that the date should always be in the past, i.e., if the current date is 10 June 2015, 6/9 and 6/10 will be parsed as 9 June 2015 and 10 June 2015, respectively, but 6/11 will be parsed as 11 June 2014.) Additionally, there are parsers for handling closed date ranges (e.g., 1/1/15-6/30/15) as well as open-ended date ranges (e.g., 1/1/15- and 12/31/15). Look at the files in lib/search_lingo/parsers for more details.

The date parser are specifically designed to work with US-formatted dates. Time permitting, I will work on making them more flexible.

As implemented they generate queries using AREL. In the future, we should try generalizing this behavior to also support Sequel for generating queries.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Framework for building simple query languages







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