Register, minify and unify CSS and JavaScript resources in WordPress.
This library is supported by PHP versions 5.6 or higher and is compatible with HHVM versions 3.0 or higher.
The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.
To install WP_Register library, simply:
composer require josantonius/wp-register
The previous command will only install the necessary files, if you prefer to download the entire source code you can use:
composer require josantonius/wp-register --prefer-source
You can also clone the complete repository with Git:
git clone
Or install it manually:
Available methods in this library:
WP_Register::add($type, $data);
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$type | 'script' or 'style' | string | Yes |
Attribute | key | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$data | Settings | array | Yes | ||
name | Unique ID | string | Yes | ||
url | Url to file | string | Yes | ||
place | 'admin' or 'front' | string | No | 'front' | |
deps | Dependences | array | No | [] | |
version | Version | string | No | false | |
footer | Only for scripts - Attach in footer | boolean | No | true | |
params | Only for scripts - Params available in JS | array | Yes | [] | |
media | Only for styles - Media | string | No | '' |
@return (boolean)
WP_Register::unify($id, $params, $minify);
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$id | Action hook name | string | Yes | |
$params | Path urls | mixed | Yes | |
$minify | Minimize file content | boolean | No | false |
@return (boolean true)
WP_Register::is_added($type, $name);
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$type | 'script' or 'style' | string | Yes | |
$name | Script or style ID | string | Yes |
@return (boolean)
WP_Register::remove($type, $name);
Attribute | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$type | 'script' or 'style' | string | Yes | |
$name | Script or style ID | string | Yes |
@return (boolean true)
To use this library with Composer:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Josantonius\WP_Register;
Or If you installed it manually, use it:
require_once __DIR__ . '/class-wp-register.php';
use Josantonius\WP_Register\WP_Register;
Example of use for this library:
WP_Register::add('script', [
'name' => 'HTML_script',
'url' => ''
WP_Register::add('script', [
'name' => 'NavigationScript',
'url' => '',
'place' => 'admin',
'deps' => ['jquery'],
'version' => '1.1.3',
'footer' => true,
'params' => ['date' => date('now')],
Additionally, a nonce is created for each script using its name. In this example, it will be accessible from JavaScript using NavigationScript.nonce
wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'NavigationScript');
In the case of scripts created from plugins, the path of the plugin directory is saved as a parameter. In this example, it will be accessible from JavaScript using NavigationScript.pluginUrl
WP_Register::add('style', [
'name' => 'EditorStyle',
'url' => ''
WP_Register::add('style', [
'name' => 'DefaultStyle',
'url' => '',
'place' => 'admin',
'deps' => [],
'version' => '1.1.3',
'media' => 'all'
WP_Register::unify('UniqueID', '');
WP_Register::unify('UniqueID', '', true);
WP_Register::unify('UniqueID', [
'styles' => '',
'scripts' => ''
WP_Register::unify('UniqueID', [
'styles' => '',
'scripts' => ''
], true);
WP_Register::is_added('script', 'HTML_script');
WP_Register::is_added('script', 'NavigationScript');
WP_Register::is_added('style', 'EditorStyle');
WP_Register::is_added('style', 'DefaultStyle');
WP_Register::remove('script', 'HTML_script');
WP_Register::remove('script', 'NavigationScript');
WP_Register::remove('style', 'EditorStyle');
WP_Register::remove('style', 'DefaultStyle');
To run tests you just need composer and to execute the following:
git clone
cd WP_Register
bash bin/ wordpress_test root '' localhost latest
composer install
Run unit tests with PHPUnit:
composer phpunit
Run WordPress code standard tests with PHPCS:
composer phpcs
Run PHP Mess Detector tests to detect inconsistencies in code style:
composer phpmd
Run all previous tests:
composer tests
If this project helps you to reduce your development time, you can sponsor me to support my open source work 😊
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2017-2022, Josantonius