Elixir implementation of Cloudfront's url signature algorithm. Supports expiration policies and runtime configurable distributions. Fork of https://github.com/Frameio/cloudfront-signer
The patched package can be installed
by adding cloudfront_signer
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
as a git based dependency:
def deps do
{:cloudfront_signer, github: "johnmcguin/cloudfront-signer", ref: "320990b662218a922e510f390f6fad81ee1271e8"},
Consult the mix documentation for git based dependencies for valid syntax options.
Configure a distribution with:
config :my_app, :my_distribution,
domain: "https://some.cloudfront.domain",
private_key: {:system, "ENV_VAR"}, # or {:file, "/path/to/key"}
key_pair_id: {:system, "OTHER_ENV_VAR"}
Then simply do:
CloudfrontSigner.Distribution.from_config(:my_app, :my_distribution)
|> CloudfrontSigner.sign(path, [arg: "value"], expiry_in_seconds)
If you want to cache pem decodes (which is a wise choice), a registry of decoded distributions is available. Simply do:
CloudfrontSigner.DistributionRegistry.get_distribution(:my_app, :my_distribution)
|> CloudfrontSigner.sign(path, [arg: "value], expiry)