Scripts to work with ARPA-H data.
For web scraping teaming partners table on ARPA-H programs pages.
ARPA-H has several programs. ( Each program has a webpage which has a table of teaming partners. However, this table is a bit unwieldly to read in a web browser due to horizontal/vertical scrolling.
The script retrieves that table from the webpage and parses the data into a csv file. The csv can then be read using Excel or pandas if you want to do further processing.
ARPA-H does a great job of maintaining a list of awarded programs, all on a single page:
The retrieves this data, converts city names to latitude/longitude values, creates a map with this information. The size of the circles is proportional to the funding amount: bigger circles = larger funded amounts.
The 'arpah.html' file is a sample output file. You can download it and open it in any web browser. Here's an example of what it looks like, based on a data pull on Dec 26, 2024.