This repo holds a nix flake with multiple development shells, all targeting macOS non-ARM systems.
There are three language-specific shells:
includes a python interpreter,poetry
, andblack
includes a node interpreter,prettier
, andeslint
There's also an "omnishell" that includes all of the dependencies of the distinct shells.
The shells are presented in a nix flake. To use any of them, you'll need to:
- install the nix package manager (this can be done safely and won't affect anything else in your system)
- enable flakes support by adding
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
- fire up one of the shells:
nix develop .#javascript
, or.#omnishell
I didn't mess with golang here because I don't know any of the needed tools, but if you need to work with golang in nix, there's an excellent series of blog posts on golang with nix flakes. Really I think it's a great series for nix flakes in general as well, but it builds a go project, and I wasn't interested in that part at the time I read it.