This application is being created to run a wrestling tournament.
License: MIT License
Public Production Url:
App Info
- Ruby 3.1.4
- Rails
- DB mysql or mariadb
- Memcached
- Delayed Jobs
All dependencies are wrapped in docker. Tests can be run with bash bin/
. That is the same command used in CI.
If you want to run a full rails environment shell in docker run: bash bin/ wrestlingapp-dev
From here, you can run the normal rails commands.
Special rake tasks:
will complete all matches for tournament 204 from seed data. This task takes a while since it waits for the worker to complete tasks. In my testing, it takes about 3.5 hours to complete.rake tournament:assign_random_wins
to run locallydocker-compose -f deploy/docker-compose-test.yml exec -T app rails tournament:assign_random_wins
to run on the dev server
To deploy a a full local version of the app bash deploy/
(this requires docker-compose to be installed). This deploys a full version of the app. App, delayed job, memcached, and mariadb. Now, you can open http://localhost. Delayed jobs are turned off in dev and everything that is a delayed job in prod just runs in browser.
To run a single test file:
- Get a shell with ruby and rails:
bash bin/ wrestlingdev-development
rake test TEST=test/models/match_test.rb
To run a single test inside a file:
- Get a shell with ruby and rails:
bash bin/ wrestlingdev-development
rake test TEST=test/models/match_test.rb TESTOPTS="--name='/test_Match_should_not_be_valid_if_an_incorrect_win_type_is_given/'"
With rvm installed, run rvm install
Then, cd ../; cd wrestlingApp
. This will load the gemset file in this repo.
Whether you have a shell from docker or are using rvm you can now run normal rails commands:
bundle config set --local without 'production'
bundle install
rake db:seed
Development login email from seed data:[email protected]
rake test
rails generate blah blah blah
rails s -b
port 3000 is exposed. You can open http://localhost:3000 after running that command- etc.
rake finish_seed_tournaments
will complete all matches from the seed data. This command takes about 5 minutes to execute
bash bin/ wrestlingdev-dev
to open a contianer with a rails shell availablebundle config --delete without
to remove the bundle config that ignores production gemsbundle update
Note: If updating rails, do not change the version in Gemfile
until after you run bash bin/ wrestlingdev-dev
. Creating the container will fail due to a mismatch in Gemfile and Gemfile.lock.
Then run rails app:update
to update rails.
The production version of this is currently deployed in Kubernetes. See Deploying with Kubernetes
Required environment variables for deployment
can be generated withrake secret
can be generated withrake secret
Email has to be a gmail account for now.WRESTLINGDEV_EMAIL=email address
Optional environment variables
needed for caching passwordMEMCACHIER_SERVERS=memcachier_hostname:memcachier_port
needed for cachingMEMCACHIER_USERNAME=memcachier_username
needed for cachingWRESTLINGDEV_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=new_relic_license_key
this is only needed to use new relicWRESTLINGDEV_INFLUXDB_DATABASE=influx_db_name
to send metrics to influxdb this is requiredWRESTLINGDEV_INFLUXDB_HOST=influx_db_ip_or_hostname
to send metrics to influxdb this is requiredWRESTLINGDEV_INFLUXDB_PORT=influx_db_port
to send metrics to influxdb this is requiredWRESTLINGDEV_INFLUXDB_USERNAME=influx_db_username
to send metrics to influxdb this is optionalWRESTLINGDEV_INFLUXDB_PASSWORD=influx_db_password
to send metrics to influxdb this is optional