The Bad Bank of America app demonstrates basic front-end React functionality, including:
- Navigate among different pages using react-router-dom
- Create Account
- Login and logout
- Add and remove money from an account
- Display account transactions
- Display user data
- Toggle between languages
- Toggle among different form libraries
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and completed as part of MIT xPro's MERN stack certificate program.
- Fork repository
- Clone locally
- Install dependencies using
npm install
oryarn install
- Start development server using
npm start
oryarn start
- Run test suite using
npm run test
oryarn test
This project uses React, Express, and MongoDB.
A full specification of functionality can be found in the Requirements doc.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
In order to deploy, you must have node installed. Get it here. Recommended: use yarn instead of npm for package management. Get yarn here.
- Clone repository locally using
git clone
- Sync with your personal GitHub
- Install dependencies using
npm install
oryarn install
- In package.json, update homepage to reflect your homepage and the desired directory where you would like the banking app to appear
- Run
yarn deploy
ornpm deploy
Contributions to open issues are welcomed. Please sign off on your commits and ensure that any feature enhancements are accompanied by the appropriate tests.