Generate beautiful tiling SVG patterns from a string. The string is converted into a SHA and a color and pattern are determined based on the values in the hash. The color is determined by shifting the hue and saturation from a default (or passed in) base color. One of 16 patterns is used (or you can specify one) and the sizing of the pattern elements is also determined by the hash values.
You can use the generated pattern as the background-image
for a container.
Using the base64
representation of the pattern still results in SVG
rendering, so it looks great on retina displays.
See the GitHub Guides site and the Explore section of GitHub are examples of this library in action. Brandon Mills has put together an awesome live preview page that's built on his Javascript port.
Note: as of version 1.4.0
, Ruby version 2 or greater is required.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'geo_pattern'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install geo_pattern
Make a new pattern:
pattern = GeoPattern.generate('Mastering Markdown')
To specify a base background color (with a hue and saturation that adjusts depending on the string):
pattern = GeoPattern.generate('Mastering Markdown', base_color: '#fc0')
To use a specific background color (w/o any hue or saturation adjustments):
pattern = GeoPattern.generate('Mastering Markdown', color: '#fc0')
To use a specific pattern generator:
pattern = GeoPattern.generate('Mastering Markdown', patterns: :sine_waves)
To use a subset of the available patterns:
pattern = GeoPattern.generate('Mastering Markdown', patterns: [:sine_waves, :xes])
Get the SVG string:
puts pattern.to_svg
# => <svg xmlns="" ...
Get the Base64 encoded string:
puts pattern.to_base64
# => PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC...
You can then use this string to set the background:
<div style="background-image: <%= pattern.to_data_uri %>"></div>
Note: As of version 1.3.0
, string references (e.g. overlapping_circles
are deprecated in favor of symbol references (e.g. :overlapping_circles
If you want to get some more information about a pattern, please use the following methods.
pattern = GeoPattern.generate('Mastering Markdown', patterns: [:sine_waves, :xes])
# The color of the background in html notation
# The color of the background in svg notation
# The input colors
# The generator
To get more information about the structure of the pattern, please use the following methods:
pattern = GeoPattern.generate('Mastering Markdown', patterns: [:sine_waves, :xes])
# The name of the structure
# The generator of the structure
string = 'Mastering markdown'
require 'geo_pattern/geo_pattern_task'
name: 'generate',
description: 'Generate patterns to make them available as fixtures',
data: {
'fixtures/generated_patterns/diamonds_with_color.svg' => { input: string, patterns: [:diamonds], color: '#00ff00' },
'fixtures/generated_patterns/diamonds_with_base_color.svg' => { input: string, patterns: [:diamonds], base_color: '#00ff00' }
rake fixtures:generate
rake test
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git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Prefix rspec-commandline with RSPEC_PROFILE=1
to output the ten slowest
examples of the test suite.
RSPEC_PROFILE=1 bundle exec rspec
JavaScript port by Brandon Mills:
TypeScript port by MooYeol Lee:
Python port by Bryan Veloso:
Elixir port by Anne Johnson:
PHP port by Anand Capur:
Go port by Pravendra Singh:
CoffeeScript port by Aleks (muchweb):
Cocoa port by Matt Faluotico:
Middleman extension by @maxmeyer:
Dart(Flutter) port by @suyash:
Lua port by Ivan Azoyan: