TUS Command line (tusc) is a small static binary for both server and client of tus resumable upload protocol.
Personally, I need tusc for uploading files in a CI process and a simple UI for downloading (like nginx autoindex). The chunked and resumable feature make it possible to bypass some payload size limitation imposed by proxy (e.g. cloudflare). Also, small size of binary make it convenient to be included in docker image.
Visit releases page and download the tusc binary.
$ curl -LO https://github.com/jackhftang/tusc/releases/download/<version>/tusc_linux_amd64 -o tusc
$ chmod u+x tusc
Start server
$ tusc server -b -p 8080
Create and upload a file
$ echo test > test.txt
$ tusc client text.txt # not resumable
$ tusc client text.txt -r # resumable
And then visit to file listing page
TUSC is a wrapper of tusd with an additional listing page. Features like S3, GCS, Prometheus, Hooks are removed from tusd, in favor of smaller binary size.
$ tusc s --help
tusc server
tusc (server|s) [options]
tusc (server|s) --help
-u --url URL Url of HTTP server [default: http://localhost:1080]
-b --bind ADDR Address to bind HTTP server to [default:]
-p --port PORT Port to bind HTTP server to [default: 1080]
-d --dir PATH Directory to store uploads in [default: ./data]
--listing-endpoint PATH Http path for flies listing [default: /]
--files-endpoint PATH Http path for files [default: /files/]
--unix-sock PATH If set will listen to a UNIX socket at this location instead of a TCP socket
--max-size SIZE Maximum size of a single upload in bytes [default: 0]
--store-size BYTE Size of space allowed for storage [default: 0]
--timeout TIMEOUT Read timeout for connections in milliseconds. A zero value means that reads will not timeout [default: 30*1000]
--behind-proxy Respect X-Forwarded-* and similar headers which may be set by proxies [default: false]
TUSC is a command line implementation of this excellent library go-tusd.
$ tusc c --help
tusc client
tusc (client|c) <url> <file> [-H <header>]... [options]
tusc (client|c) --help
-r --resumable Save meta data for resumable uploads [default: false]
--store PATH Path to save meta data for resume [default: ./.tusc]
--chunk-size BYTE Size of chunks of file [default: 2097152]
--override-patch-method Sending a POST request instead of PATCH [default: false]