Forked from Ralph Slooten's Alpine Dropbox and ported over to a Minimal Ubuntu base after the latest Dropbox for Linux headless clients started requiring additional dependencies that would likely require further hackery of the original glibc-enabled Alpine base.
docker run -d \
--name dropbox \
--net=host \
-e UID=1000 \
-e GID=1000 \
-v <path to Dropbox folder>:/dbox/Dropbox \
-v <path to config folder>:/dbox/.dropbox \
--restart=unless-stopped \
Default Parameters | Function |
-e UID=1000 |
UID of Dropbox (current) user. |
-e GID=1000 |
GID of Dropbox (current) user. |
-v /path/to/dropbox/folder:/dbox/Dropbox |
Path to Dropbox folder on host machine. |
-v /path/to/config/folder:/dbox/.dropbox |
Path to persistent Dropbox settings folder on host machine. |
UID and GID could be an existing user, but make sure that paths to Dropbox
lead to one's home directory
At first run, the container will download the latest version of the Dropbox Linux client.
Run docker logs dropbox -f
after starting the container and wait until you see messages similar to:
This computer isn't linked to any Dropbox account...
Please visit to link this device.
Open the link in a browser to authorise the client and link the container to your Dropbox.
You should then see in the docker log:
This computer is now linked to Dropbox. Welcome *your-name*
There is no updater script, so to update the Dropbox client; remove the container and add it again. The persistent config folder will ensure you don't need to relink your account again.
Dropbox commands should be run as the
user:docker exec -it -u dbox dropbox dropbox-cli help
Any custom configuration that is supported by the dropbox-cli can be modified this way.
The current Dropbox status can be seen in the docker log. It refreshes every five seconds and only outputs data when there are any changes.
docker logs dropbox -f
Check whether the image still could be used
docker run -it --rm --name dropbox -v $HOME/Documents/data:/dbox/Dropbox -v $HOME/Documents/config:/dbox/.dropbox j0rsa/min-ubuntu-dropbox
docker exec -it dropbox attr -s com.dropbox.ignored -V 1 <path/to/file>