Application for registering employee entries with the possibility of generating reports, validating and storing users with minimal effort.
The application consists of 2 parts, a UI and an API.
Go to API repository.
$ git clone
$ cd agile-visitors
To set the API address you must open the file quasar.conf.js
and modify the following object.
build: {
env: {
? 'http://localhost:5000/api' // Development API
: '' // Production API
$ docker build -t agile-visitors .
$ docker run -d --name agile-visitors -p 8081:80 --rm agile-visitors
We should now be able to access the application on http://localhost:8081
Install all dependencies.
$ npm install
Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)
$ quasar dev
Build the app for production
$ quasar build
Created with ❤️ by Albert Hidalgo and Lewandy Dilone