Version 0.3.2 iNova brightness uncapped. Tweaks to accelerometer sensitivities.
Version 0.3.1 Fix for the timings on iNova mode.
Lumino v0.3
For full details on all Lumino features, please visit
Lumino v0.3 is ready for testing and introduces quite a bit of functionality:
- Readded bundles. Only configurable if you edit the source. Comes with 3 by default.
- Expanded defaults to 12 modes.
- Added iNova mode with configurable color.
- When light if first clicked, it will be in iNova off.
- Click again to turn on the light.
- Click again within 2.85s to switch to a lower brightness (dops) when released. More than 2.85s and the light return to the off state.
- From low mode you can either go to a blink mode or off with the same 2.85s threshold.
- From blink any click will go to off on release.
- To switch to the next mode, hold down the button from the off position for 1.5s to 5s. The light will glow during that time. When you release it, you will go to the next mode.
- To configure the color of the iNova mode, hold the button from the off position for more than 5s.
- GeoMorph modes for X, Y, and both X and Y axes to blend between user-defined colors.
- X and Y mode is added to the defaults.
- Colors are configurable in the same way as the prime-based modes.
- Added teleporting (blank when moving fast) and reverse teleporting (blank when not moving fast) modes to defaults.
- Three new primes added.
- Two Time - Has two color/blank timings. Useful for recreating dash dops or inventing new timings.
- Lego - Random lengths of 2, 8, or 16ms.
- Ember - Color time gets shorter until it's entirely blank before changing and getting longer again.
- Capped LED output at 3/4 max power for battery life.
On Windows -
- Download
- Using XLoader (, follow this tutorial ( on how to install.
- Make sure to use 115200 for the speed.
- Make sure to select "Uno(ATMega328)" from the Device dropdown.
- Be sure to select the correct .hex file.
On Mac -
- Download
- Open the .dmg and double-click on "Upload .hex"
iNova controls (first mode)
- from off
- press - Go to high.
- hold for 1.5s to 5s - Switch to next mode.
- hold for 5s+ - Flashes yellow. Enter Color Select mode.
- nothing for 5 minutes - Light turns off to save battery.
- from high
- press before 2.85s - Turn off LED. Switch to low when released.
- press after 2.85s - Turn off LED. Switch to off when released.
- from low
- press before 2.85s - Turn off LED. Switch to blink when released.
- press after 2.85s - Turn off LED. Switch to off when released.
- from blink
- press - Turn off LED. Switch to off when released.
Mode controls except iNova (all but the first mode)
- single press - Go to next mode. Toggles light if in conjuring mode.
- hold for 1s to 3s - Flashes white. Turn off light.
- hold for 3s to 5s - Flashes blue. Toggles conjuring mode.
- hold for 5s+ - Flashes orange. Enter Palette Select mode.
Palette Select controls:
- single press - Go to next palette. Does nothing on Single Mode.
- hold for 1s to 3s - Flashes orange. Enter Color Select mode for first color of selected palette.
- hold for 3s+ - Flashes white. Exits to Play mode.
Color Select controls
- single press - Go to next color index.
- double press - Go to previous color index.
- hold - Flashes white every shade change. Every 1s the shade increments until released. When released, the color is selected and and goes to Color Confirm mode.
Color Confirm controls
- single press - Accepts color and moves to the next color in the palette. If on the last color, saves the current palette and returns to Palette Select mode.
- hold for 1-3s - Flashes red. Rejects color and move back to previous color. Goes to Color Confirm on previous color. If on the first color, goes directly to Color Select mode.
- hold for 3s+ - Flashes white. Accepts color and finish editing. Saves the current palette and returns to Palette Select mode.
12 Default Modes:
1 iNova - Classic iNova functionality with a twist. Hold for 1.5 - 5s from off to switch to next mode. Hold for >5s from off to configure your iNova color.
2 TiltMorph - Hue changes with roll, blank time of strobe with pitch. Not customizable.
3 GeoMorph A and Y - Color blends red to yellow pointing up, red to purple pointing down. That blends to blue when pitch goes to the right and green when to the left. All 5 colors are customizable.
4 Tri Mode Speed - Rainbow blend goes from a strobie with a double split to strobe with 3 splits DOPS with 5 splits.
5 Dual Mode Speed - Ghostly blink-e with a cool white and the dimmest spectrum that morphs into a rainbow strobie.
6 Dual Mode Speed (Teleport) - Rainbow strobe that fades out quickly when your hands are slow or idle. Blank when you're moving quickly.
7 Dual Mode Speed (Reverse Teleport) - Rainbow Lego when your hands are moving quickly. Blank when your hands are slow or idle.
8 Tri Mode Tilt Y - Red, green, and blue embers for flat, left, and right.
9 Tri Mode Tilt X - Red, green, and blue tracers with a rainbow strobe for flat, up, and down.
10 Dual Mode Flip - Pulsating blue when up and red when down.
11 Dual Mode Tilt Y - Strobe when left, dash dop when right.
12 Dual Mode Tilt X - Chase when up, morph when down.