Emit marker into stdout on receipt of signal. Designed to run in a shell, wrapping another program's output via a pipe.
Loosely modeled after https://github.com/firesock/pipe-marker.
Install the Go toolchain - refer to your environment's package manager for specifics.
Clone this repository.
Run this from the repository root:
go install
Output should be under your $GOPATH/bin
(or $GOBIN
, if set).
Replacing with real paths, enter into a terminal window:
/path/to/noisy-program | $(go env GOPATH)/bin/pipe-marker-go -enabled
While running, from another terminal window, send signals to place markers in the stream.
Supported signals: SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2.
Markers to look for: ===USR1===
, ===USR2===
pid=$(ps -eo pid,comm | grep pipe-marker-go | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1)
kill -s USR1 $pid