Document maintainer: Daniel Main
Document status: Active
Daedalus - Cryptocurrency Wallet
Yarn is required to install npm
dependencies to build Daedalus.
Nix is needed to run Daedalus in nix develop
Install nix using Determinate Nix Installer
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | \ sh -s -- install
Employ the signed IOHK binary cache:
$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/nix $ sudo vi /etc/nix/nix.conf # ..or any other editor, if you prefer
and then add the following 4 settings are set to:
substituters = trusted-public-keys = experimental-features = nix-command flakes # If you are running on a Mac with Apple Silicon chip, but want to also build for Intel: extra-platforms = x86_64-darwin aarch64-darwin
Are you a MacOS user? Reload nix-daemon.
- Stop the daemon
sudo launchctl remove org.nixos.nix-daemon
- Verify it's not running (only grep process should be listed)
ps aux | grep nix-daemon
- Start the daemon
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.nix-daemon.plist
- Stop the daemon
nix develop
with a correct argument or by using existingpackage.json
scripts to load a shell with all the correct versions of all the required dependencies for development, e.g.:nix develop -L .#mainnet
- … which is equivalent to
yarn nix:mainnet
If you get SSL error when running nix develop
(SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK) try the next steps:
- Reinstall nix
$ nix-env -e * $ curl -L | sh
- Download certificate from and import to your keychain.
- Run
yarn nix:selfnode
. - Run
yarn dev
from the subsequentnix develop
environment variable to keep the local cluster running after Daedalus exits:KEEP_LOCAL_CLUSTER_RUNNING=true yarn dev
) - Once Daedalus has started and has gotten past the loading screen run the following commands from a new terminal window if you wish to import funded wallets:
- Byron wallets:
yarn byron:wallet:importer
- Shelley wallets:
yarn shelley:wallet:importer
- Mary wallets:
yarn mary:wallet:importer
(all of which contain native tokens which are visible once selfnode enters Mary era) - Yoroi Byron wallets:
yarn yoroi:wallet:importer
- ITN Byron wallets:
yarn itn:byron:wallet:importer
[Deprecated] - ITN Shelley wallets:
yarn itn:shelley:wallet:importer
These scripts import 3 wallets by default. You can import up to 10 wallets by supplying WALLET_COUNT
environment variable (e.g. WALLET_COUNT=10 yarn mary:wallet:importer
List of all funded wallet recovery phrases can be found here:
- Cardano wallet process ID shown on the "Diagnostics" screen is faked and expected to match the Cardano node process ID.
- Stake pool metadata is fetched directly by default (IOHK SMASH server option is not available).
- Token metadata is fetched from a mock token metadata server which is automatically ran alongside the local cluster (there is no need to run it manually)
- Daedalus will ask you if you wish to keep the local cluster running after it exits - this option is useful if you need to preserve local cluster state between Daedalus restarts.
Parameter | Value |
slotLength | 0.2 sec |
epochLength | 50 slots |
desiredPoolNumber | 3 |
minimumUtxoValue | 1 ADA |
- Run
yarn nix:mainnet
. - Run
yarn dev
from the subsequent shell
- Run
yarn nix:flight
. - Run
yarn dev
from the subsequent shell
- Run
yarn nix:testnet
. - Run
yarn dev
from the subsequent shell
Daedalus, by default, uses the following metadata server for all networks except for the mainnet:
It's also possible to use a mock server locally by running the following command in nix develop
prior to starting Daedalus:
$ mock-token-metadata-server --port 65432 ./utils/cardano/native-tokens/registry.json
Mock metadata server running with url http://localhost:65432/
Then proceed to launch Daedalus and make sure to provide the mock token metadata server port:
This enables you to modify the metadata directly by modifying the registry file directly:
$ vi ./utils/cardano/native-tokens/registry.json # ..or any other editor, if you prefer
Use the following command to check if the mock server is working correctly:
$ curl -i -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"subjects":["789ef8ae89617f34c07f7f6a12e4d65146f958c0bc15a97b4ff169f1"],"properties":["name","description","ticker","unit","logo"]}'
... and expect a "200 OK" response.
This option is only for troubleshooting windows specific issues with hardware wallets. It is not recommended to use Windows as a developer environment.
Most of the commands need nix
and will run only on Linux or macOS.
- Windows 10/11
- Daedalus testnet installation (similar version used in branch) in
C:\Program Files\Daedalus Testnet
- NodeJS 16
- Python2
yarn global add windows-build-tools
(if this does not work extract daedalus\nix\ under daedalus\build folder)- Microsoft Build Tools 2015
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Include Desktop development with C++)
yarn config set msvsversion 2015 --global
yarn install
yarn dev:windows
Nix flake is used to manage the version of upstream dependencies. The versions of these dependencies can be seen in flake.nix
Dependencies are updated in the inputs
section of flake.nix
followed with e.g.:
nix flake lock --update-input cardano-wallet-unpatched
Api documentation for edge cardano-wallet
If you use any 3rd party libraries which can't or won't be built with webpack, you must list them in your source/main/webpack.config.js
and/or source/renderer/webpack.config.js
externals: [
// put your node 3rd party libraries which can't be built with webpack here (mysql, mongodb, and so on..)
For a common example, to install Bootstrap, yarn install --save bootstrap
and link them in the head of app.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" />
<link rel="image/svg+xml" href="../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot" />
Make sure to list bootstrap in externals in webpack.config.base.js
or the app won't include them in the package:
externals: ['bootstrap']
You can debug the main process by following one of these approaches:
The inspector runs on port 9229
You can link libraries with Daedalus using one of the following steps:
- Install
globally usingyarn global add yalc
. - Run
yalc publish
from the library's root directory that you want to link with Daedalus. - Switch to Daedalus and run
yalc add <package-name>
or preferablyyalc link <package-name>
. - You should be able to start Daedalus and see the changes you are making locally in the library.
- To make sure your changes are reflected as you update code in the library, use
yalc push
- From the Daedalus root directory, go to
andyarn link
. - Navigate to the
package in the same directory and runyarn link
again. - Go to the library's root directory and run
yarn link
,yarn link react
andyarn link react-dom
. - Go back to the Daedalus root directory and run
yarn link <package-name>
. - Finally, run
yarn build:watch
from the library's root directory.
You can find more details regarding tests setup within Running Daedalus acceptance tests README file.
Notes: Be aware that only a single Daedalus instance can run per state directory. So you have to exit any development instances before running tests!
It is possible to build, and run just the Daedalus package, that would be bundled inside an installer, avoiding building of the installer.
nix build -L .#daedalus-mainnet
nix run -L .#daedalus-mainnet
nix build -L .#daedalus-mainnet
nix run -L .#daedalus-mainnet
If you want to run an Intel build from an Apple Silicon machine:
nix run -L .#packages.x86_64-darwin.daedalus-mainnet
Platform-specific build commands facilitate building Daedalus installers the way it is built by the IOHK CI:
These commands require Nix, optionally configured with the IOHK binary cache (recommended, see above).
Run this from a Linux machine:
nix build -L .#installer-mainnet
The result can be found at result/daedalus-*.bin
Run this from a Linux machine (cross-building):
nix build -L .#installer-mainnet-x86_64-windows
The result will can be found at result/daedalus-*.exe
Run this from a macOS machine:
nix build -L .#installer-mainnet
If you want to build an Intel version from an Apple Silicon machine:
nix build -L .#packages.x86_64-darwin.installer-mainnet
The result can be found at result/daedalus-*.pkg