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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Xcode 8.0
  • Swift 5.0
  • iOS 9.0+



SwiftI18n is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftI18n/I18n'
pod 'SwiftI18n/I18n+Case'

Swift Package Manager

SwiftI18n is also available through SPM. To install it, simply add the following line to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "[email protected]:infinum/ios-swiftI18n.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.0"))


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


import SwiftI18n

Set or get currently selected language from:


Set available languages and default language:

I18nManager.instance.availableLanguages = ["en_US", "hr"]
I18nManager.instance.defaultLanguage = "hr"

If availableLanguages are present, and defaultLanguage isn't, language is initialy set to language most preferable by the user from availableLanguages.

Handling language change: Subscribe to I18nManager.subscribeForLocaleDidChange(block: { ... } -> -> NSObjectProtocol or if you prefer notifications, you can use:


UIKit Support

someLabel.locTitleKey = "some_key"
someButton.locAccessibilityLabelKey = "button_accessibility_label_key"
someButton.locAccessibilityHintKey = "button_accessibility_hint_key"

Now when language changes, your someLabel's title, accessibility label and hint, automaticaly change. Isn't that great!?

Supported elements: UILabel UIButton UITextFiled UITextView UIViewController UIBarButtonItem UITabBarItem UINavigationItem

And the most important thing, all of those locTitleKeys, locAccessibilityLabelKeys, locAccessibilityHintKeys are supported in Storyboards as @IBInspectable .

SwiftUI Support

Using constructor where key is of String type:


Integration with Polyglot

Just cp this extension somewhere in your project

extension LocText {
    init(key: Strings) {

Handling cases

Sometimes you have to work with translations that are all lowercased, but you want them to be uppercased or maybe capitalized. To handle this use:

pod 'SwiftI18n/I18n+Case'

Now you have an enum:

enum I18nCaseTransform: String {
    case uppercased = "up"
    case lowercased = "low"
    case capitalized = "cap"

which you can use like this:

someButton.setCaseTransform(.uppercased, for: .normal)

You can also set case transform in Storyboards .

Fallback Language

In some scenarios, a requested localization may not be available for a given language. To ensure a consistent user experience, the app provides a fallback language mechanism. This feature guarantees that if a translation is missing in the preferred language, a predefined fallback language will be used to retrieve the localization instead.

Setting the Fallback Language

You can configure the fallback language by setting the fallbackLanguage property in your localization manager.

For example in your LanguageInitializer class, initialize method, add the following line:

I18nManager.instance.fallbackLanguage = "en_gb"

Working with Polyglot client Strings enum

For SwiftI18n to work beautifly with polyglot client created Strings enum you will need to copy: SwiftI18n/Polyglot/PolyglotSwiftI18Extensions.swift into your project.

By doing this you can now set translations to your UI elements with ease:

someLabel.loc.titleKey = .somePolygotKey
someButton.loc.accessibilityLabelKey = .somePolyglotKey
someButton.loc.accessibilityLabelHint = .somePolyglotKey

Not supported

Attributed strings


SwiftI18n does not collect any user data. We have provided a privacy manifest file that can be included in your app.


Vlaho Poluta, [email protected]


SwiftI18n is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.