Releases: imrabti/tvshowtime-plex
Releases · imrabti/tvshowtime-plex
Support marking TV Show for a specific Plex user, other small fixes and enhancements
- Ability to configure the Plex User for whom tvshowtime-plex should mark the episodes in Tvshowtime.
- Add a new property to force tvshowtime-plex to mark all watched episode in Plex (no just the ones watched on the same day or yesterday).
- Updated Spring boot to latest stable version 1.5.3.
Thank you @maciekish for your support.
Fixes and enhancement, update to Spring Boot 1.4
- Small fixes in the Properties managements.
- Updated to latest Spring Boot 1.4
Bug fixes
Fixes and enhancements, TVShowTime API call limit fixes
- Added control to not overpass the TVShowTime REST API limited number of calls per minute.
- Added System.exit(1) in all Catch Exception.
Some enhancements and fixes, add support for Plex secured call
Add X-Plex-Token multiple users support to solve 401 unauthorized call issue
Small under the hood fixes and enhancement
Small under the hood fixes and enhancement
tvshowtime-plex 1.0.0
tvshowtime-plex is a background java service compatible with all plateforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, NAS), that will allow you to mark automatically episodes in your TVShowTime account as soon as you did watch them in you Plex system.