August 3, 2019
Udacity Bikeshare Project
Analyzing bikeshare data from Chicago, New York City, And Washington, DC, given provided raw data in the CSV files. Written using Python - main python file to be executed
readme.txt - document listing sources that were used in completing the code/Project - python file used to test various bits of code
output.txt - text file used to test the output of various bits of code - this file
.gitignore - file to ignore the CSV data files, to prevent them from being committed, due to their large size
chicago.csv - data file for Chicago. This is ignored in the commits
new_york_city.csv - data file for New York City. This is ignored in the commits
washington.csv - data file for Washington, DC. This is ignored in the commits
Created for Udacity course on Programming for Data Science Nanodegree Program
Forked from
Please see readme.txt for the full list of sources used in writing/developing the code