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Repository files navigation



A helper function to create org-mode TODOs out of open issues and review requests in a github repository.


Using straight.el

An example of how you can install this package using straight.el:

(use-package org-github-issues :straight (org-github-issues :host github :repo "iensu/org-github-issues")
  :defer t
  (setq org-github-issues-user "iensu"                                                                                   ;; Specify Github user
        github-repositories '("dekorateio/dekorate" "quarkusio/quarkus")                                                 ;; My repositories
        org-github-issues-org-file "~/Documents/org/"                                                          ;; My org file
        org-github-issues-tags '("github" "triage")                                                                      ;; Always add these labels
        org-github-issues-issue-tags '("issue")                                                                          ;; Add these only on issues
        org-github-issues-pull-tags '("pull")                                                                            ;; Add these only on pull requests
        org-github-issues-auto-schedule "+0d"                                                                            ;; Enable automatic scheduling
        org-github-issues-filter-by-assignee t                                                                           ;; Enable filter by assignee
        org-github-issues-headline-prefix t)                                                                             ;; Prefix all headlines with repository name
  (mapcar (lambda (r) (run-with-idle-timer 3600 t (lambda () (org-github-issues-sync-issues r)))) github-repositories))  ;; When idle for an hour loop over my projects and sync


Before use you need to set the variable org-github-issues-org-file to point to an existing file in which to write the fetched issues.

In the specified file, create a header for each of your github projects, .e.g iensu/org-github-issues. Each header must match the repository name (OWNER/REPO) exactly.

Each header can be a top level header or nested and may optionally contain tags:

* Emacs
** iensu/org-github-issues
** sigma/gh
** magit/forge                :magit:
** magit/magit                :magit:
* Other projects
** foo/bar

Any header that doesn't match the (OWNER/REPO) pattern will be ignored.

After setup you can run one of the following commands:

  • M-x org-github-issues-sync-issues Will prompt you for the repository you want to fetch issues for.
  • M-x org-github-issues-sync-pulls Will prompt you for the repository you want to fetch issues for.
  • M-x org-github-issues-sync-all Will directly fetch all issues and pull requests for all repositories found in the org-github-issues-org-file.


If you are experiencing authentication issues you need to set org-github-issues-user to the user you want to authenticate with and then create a Personal Access Token.

If you want to track private repositories you will need to select the repo scope and org:read if you want to also read repositories belonging to your organizations. See this issue for more info.

You can provide the token by using auth-sources and add an entry to your ~/.authinfo.gpg file (this article gives a good introduction to working with auth-sources):

machine org-github-issues login <USERNAME> password <TOKEN>

The less secure way is to set org-github-issues-token, but please go with the auth-sources option if your token has access to private repositories.


The following custom options are available:

Option Type Description Default Value
org-github-issues-user string REQUIRED Github user name to use for authentication nil
org-github-issues-org-file string Path to an existing org-mode file in which to write issues "~/Dropbox/org/"
org-github-issues-filter-by-assignee boolean Flag to enable filtering issues by assignee. nil
org-github-issues-assignee string The assignee to use for filtering user-login-name
org-github-issues-headline-prefix boolean Flag to enable prefixing headlines with the repository name nil
org-github-issues-auto-schedule string Threshold for automatically scheduling new issues "+0d"
org-github-tag-transformations alist :value-type (group-string) An alist with trasnformations to apply to github labels when converting them to tags '(("[\s/-]+" "_")


A tool for creating org TODOs out of open github issues








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