KidsRuby ( is a Ruby programming environment meant for kids. If what you want is just to download/install KidsRuby, please go to
KidsRuby is heavily influenced by Hackety Hack ( In fact, you can run many of the same code samples from Hackety Hack in KidsRuby. For example:
color = ask("what is your favorite color")
if color == "blue"
alert("you picked blue")
You can also use the Turtle, just like Hackety-Hack does
Turtle.start do
background yellow
pencolor brown
pensize 2
goto 30, 200
setheading 180
1000.times do
forward 20
turnleft rand(10)
backward 10
- Simple single file editor
- You can run the current contents of the editor
- The output appears next to the editor
- It runs a normal Ruby 1.9.2 on the code. With normal gems etc.
- Webkit-based editor - currently using Ace (
- QtRuby app - hosts webkit and provide http server to communicate with running Ruby environment
- Minitest/Minispec for testing. Yes, code must be tested
- Tutorial content is easy to create just drop HTML files on disk locally to the KidsRuby editor.
- Using a modified version of the JS library Turtlewax for the Turtle implementation
ruby main.rb
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
sudo apt-get install cmake
bundle install
Take note that the native compilation of qt (the line Installing qtbindings ( with native extensions
) can take several minutes without apparent progress ... You could run top
to see cmake
and cc1plus
effectively in action.
echo "" >> Gemfile
echo "# needed for gosu" >> Gemfile
echo "gem 'gosu'" >> Gemfile
sudo apt-get install g++ libgl1-mesa-dev libpango1.0-dev libboost-dev libopenal-dev libsndfile-dev libxdamage-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libfreeimage3 libfreeimage-dev libxinerama-dev
bundle install
I used the qtbindings gem: Since I also run homebrew, I discovered that the homebrew install for Qt4 needed a little symlinking before I could run the gem install for qtbindings as described here:
However, since KidsRuby requires Qt 4.7, you need to use the following (thanks @clemcke for updated instructions):
cd /usr/local/Library/Formula
git checkout 83f742e /usr/local/Library/Formula/qt.rb
brew install qt
for DIR in /usr/local/Cellar/qt/*/lib/*.framework; do ln -s $DIR/Headers ${DIR%%/lib/*}/include/$(basename $DIR .framework); done
brew install cmake
bundle install
If you have already installed KidsRuby using the OSX installer, you will need to uninstall that Qt package before trying to install the qtbindings gem, or it will not build/install as described here
The solution is to run this before attempting to install the qtbindings gem:
sudo /Developer/Tools/
Someone please describe this procedure here.
Install git standalone
Install Ruby 1.9.2 standalone
bundle install
- create hackety-hack compatible class with UI dialogs for ask/alert
- get syntax highlighting correct for Ruby code
- create hackety-hack compatible class for Turtle graphics
- tabbed divs for output/turtle/help
- layout for local html pages with tutorials
- implement Turtle width and height methods
- correct top/bottom orientation for Turtle relative to user
- adjust proportions of editor to sidebar for more visible space for tutorial section
- home to main index for help & browser forward/back buttons for help section
- split up HH help "pages" to go forward/back like the original tutorial
- make the canvas bigger for the Turtle
- add Gosu libs/classes to KidsRuby OS to make it easy to write games right away
- How to use KidsRuby
- editor save/open
- make the Run button WAY WAY bigger
- capture keystrokes within main Qt app and pipe to stdin when executing ruby process so we can support gets
- replace DBus communications with http based protocol which allows better multi-platform support and fewer installation dependancies
- fix background color
- A couple of funny things with the formatting of gets
- need to display complete debug info on errors again
- make the turtle canvas keep a correct aspect ratio when resized
- switch editor colors to white background for better presentation display. we already have inverse css file, just need a way to switch to it, and back
- 1.1 - Localization
- correct pencolor so it works when switching color while drawing
- paste into editor (copy already works)
- update ruby4kids to include their latest lessons
- add more good stuff!
- make it easy to run pie (see what I did there?)
- create Shoes compatible classes (slippers?) to run Shoes example code too