Platform agnostic logger for NestJS based on pino with request context in every log.
Idiomatic session module for NestJS. Built on top of express-session.
Idiomatic cookie session module for NestJS. Built on top of cookie-session.
Type safe roles guard and decorator made easy.
on steroids that simplifies work with inversion of control in your hexagonal architecture.
Distributed consistent flexible NestJS rate limiter based on Redis.
Create a simple idiomatic NestJS module based on Express/Fastify middleware in just a few lines of code with routing out of the box.
Declarative configuration of NestJS middleware order.
Basic implementation of saga pattern for NestJS (do not confuse it with the built-in sagas).
The most basic and unopinionated implementation of GCP PubSub transport for NestJS microservices.
The most basic and unopinionated implementation of NSQ transport for NestJS microservices.
Get launch arguments for testing with Detox and Appium.
Consider environment variables while unmarshaling viper's config.
Type-safe bus generator for go.
pgx adapter for
Fork of traefik's simple-cache plugin with extra cache configuration
Rate limiter with sliding window algorithm implementation.