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Mark Boas edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 24 revisions

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Hyperaudio Repositories

The Hyperaudio GitHub organisation contains a series of open source repositories that can be used to build tools and applications that make media easy to navigate, share and remix audiovisual media.

Our Latest Platform –

Our new website – a foundation for a number of possible projects. Our first Hyperaudio for Conferences is used in collaboration with Mozilla Foundation to create in 2022 and 2023.

The code for these projects can be found at

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Hyperaudio Lite

Hyperaudio Lite started life in early 2014 as an open source library people could use to create interactive transcripts.

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Hyperaudio Lite Editor

The Hyperaudio Lite Editor is built using Hyperaudio Lite and was initially developed in 2022. The editor allows you to correct machine generated transcripts and export the corrected transcript in a number of formats. As a demo we have integrated the editor with Deepgram's API to produce the initial speech-to-text generated transcript.

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Wordpress Hyperaudio Plugin

Our Wordpress plugin provides a straightforward way to include interactive transcripts and captions on a Wordpress installation.

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Our Legacy Platform –

It's been over ten years since we embarked on the Hyperaudio journey. Our working prototype is now being retired as we move to pastures new.

This set of repositories contains all the code we use to make the Web Application - a working prototype. Additionally it is home to standalone libraries such as Hyperaudio-Lite - an Interactive Transcript viewer.

All public code in this repo is MIT Licensed

The Hyperaudio project (formerly Hyperaudio Inc.) hereby states that it intends to be bound by the Mozilla Open Software Patent License Agreement for Mozilla, version 1 as of 21/02/2016

Hyperaudio is made up from a number of loosely coupled modules:

Hyperaudio ecosystem

Loosely coupled because each of the above modules can be used independently, we link stuff together through our API and iFrames to create the service.

Everything the Hyperaudio Team create is open source, most code resides under the Hyperaudio GitHub account, although some of code for tools can be found under the organisations with whom we have developed them in collaboration.