An Open Source alternative of Bizotic -- a web app to manage all workflows of our college's department. This is a self learning project to hone my software development skills.
View the entire walkthrough both as a admin and student page wise by opening the toggle button.
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This sections describes some key aspects on technical details, why I choose certain approach and the challenges faced.
- The entire app is client side rendered. Server-side rendering is useless as there are no public pages.(login required).
- Using Components libraries like matarial UI, Chakra UI would had saved a lot of time and effort than to create my own components. As I was already using Tailwind, I was reluctant to add a component library on top of that. I ended up building up own component, documenting them using storybook. I used Headless UI and Radix UI for accessibility.
- I did not use any state management library, state management for data that comes from a server was done using react-query. For everything else react hooks were enough for me.
- Code-Splitting to reduce bundle size. sample code
- I was initially using Next.js API Routes, after realizing that I duplicating the same logic in every route, I switched to next-connect where I could add middlewares to do the repetitive work. sample code. I later switched to trpc for typesafe APIs.
- I used Prisma as ORM, the thing didn't like about Prisma is that it doesn't let you to return data in the format you would want. For queries with nested relations, It returns an nested Object, but that might not be how I wanted to consume it in the frontend. For example, consider a Table component that expects data to be an array of Objects where I would have to write logic on the client side to do the transformation that I expect to be done by the server itself. To overcome this issue I have performed SQL raw queries on some parts of the application such as the dashboard where the data format expected by the visualisation libraries is carried out on the server itself.. sample code, see: "branch.offers"
- Node.js
- Yarn (recommended)
Clone the repo
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Job-Fynd
Install packages with yarn
Create a .env file:
cp .env.example .env
Then, update the DATABASE_URL property with the following format.
populating your database with some data.
npx prisma db seed
open Prisma Studio to look at the populated data
npx prisma studio
yarn dev
yarn storybook
- install PlanetScale CLI
- Sign up and create a database from PlanetScale Dashboard.
- modify your DATABASE_URL in your .env to
'mysql://[email protected]:3309/<DATABASE_NAME>'
- login
pscale auth login
- create a branch
pscale branch create <database_name> <branch_name>
- connect to PlanetScale
pscale connect <database_name> <branch_name> --port 3309
- open a new terminal when you want to push your prisma schema changes.
npx prisma db push
if your are stuck anywhere, checkout the docs.