If you'd like to contribute, please read this.
- Table of Contents
- Announcements & News
- Presentations & Talks
- Research Papers & Resources
- Core Libraries
- Development Tools
- Applications
- Aleo Discord - The official Aleo Discord channel
- Aleo Twitter - The official Aleo Twitter account
- Introduction to zkSNARKs with Howard Wu - Zero Knowledge Podcast: Episode 38
- Demystifying Zero-Knowledge Programming - Introduction to the Record Model
- zkWhiteBoard Session with Pratyush Mishra - ZKHack: zkWhiteBoard Session on Zexe and Aleo
- Aleo with Howard Wu - Zero Knowledge Podcast: Episode 144
- Efficient Private Delegation of zkSNARK Provers - ZKSummit 7: Pratyush Mishra
- The Importance of Zero-knowledge Proof with Alex Pruden - CoinGecko Podcast
- Zexe - Zexe: Enabling Decentralized Private Computation
- Marlin - Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with Universal and Updatable SRS
- Leo - Leo: A Programming Language for Formally Verified, Zero-Knowledge Applications
- Poseidon - Poseidon: A New Hash Function for Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems
- AVM Opcodes - Aleo Virtual Machine (AVM) Opcodes
- PoNW - Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness Guarantees
- SDK - A Software Development Kit (SDK) for Zero-Knowledge Transactions
- Leo - A Functional, Statically-Typed Language for Zero-Knowledge Applications
- snarkOS - A Decentralized Operating System for Zero-Knowledge Applications
- snarkVM - A Virtual Machine for Zero-Knowledge Executions
- AleoVera - The Aleo bytecode analyzer and disassembler
- AleoPathy - Online Disassembler and Decompiler
- ZPrize - Dedicated to Accelerating the Future of Zero-Knowledge Cryptography
- Accelerating MSM on GPUs/FPGAs - Accelerating multi-scalar multiplications on GPUs/FPGAs
- Accelerating MSM on Mobile - Accelerating multi-scalar multiplications on mobile
- Leo Playground - The official playground for Leo programs
- IntelliJ - Leo - The official Leo plugin for IntelliJ
- Sublime Text - Leo - The official Leo plugin for Sublime Text
- VSCode - Leo - The official Leo plugin for VSCode
- vim - Aleo - An unofficial Vim plugin for Aleo instructions
- Leo Program Runner - Python hooks to load and execute Leo programs
- DokoJS - Powerful and lightweight library designed for seamless interaction with the Aleo blockchain
- Vanguard for Aleo - Static analyzer for Leo/Aleo programs
The following is a curated list of applications powered by Aleo.
- fixed-point numbers - An implementation of fixed-point numbers and calculations in Leo
- is_prime - An Aleo program to issue prime tokens
- leo/bubblesort - A bubble-sort algorithm implementation in Leo
- leo/groups - An example of group operations in Leo
- leo/twoadicity - An implementation of computing the two-adicity in Leo
- leo-elgamal - Multiplicative homomorphic encryption using ElGamal
- art-factory - A fully functioning dapp, ready to deploy your own NFT collection with.
- Privacy Pride - A deployed, production version of art factory, hosting Aleo's first NFT collection.
- Setup Ceremony NFTs - NFTs for the Aleo Setup Ceremony participants
- Artgo - An AIGC-based NFT creating and trading platform
- Aleo.store - Aleo NFT Marketplace and Open source NFT standard proposition.
- Eclipse - Bridging ecosystems by storing zero-knowledge proofs of Solana votes on Aleo
- IZAR - A privacy-preserving cross-chain interoperability protocol between Ethereum and Aleo
- Verulink - A trusted bridge platform that is designed to help move assets like ETH, USDC, and USDT between Aleo and Ethereum blockchain.
- aleo/token - An Aleo custom asset example
- ARC20 draft - An ARC20 token draft proposal
- ARC-721 Draft - An ARC-721 draft proposal
- AtomiK - DEX doing cross-chain atomic swaps with ZK for liquidity providing, increasing security in bridging between Aleo & XDC (EVM compatible chains).
- AleoSwap - A decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Aleo blockchain
- Arcane Finance - A privacy-centric decentralized exchange (DEX) combining both RFQ and AMM models on Aleo
- AleoPad
- DistroFund - A Decentralized application that enables an end user to send a token to multiple addresses in a single transaction.
- Privx - The First Orderbook DEX with On-chain Privacy on Aleo
- Staking.xyz - Making staking easy for everyone, starting with Aleo!
- Spectre - Spectre liquidity protocol on Aleo: Stake credits, earn rewards, and borrow assets.
- Aleo Explorer - The official blockchain explorer for Aleo
- Hamp Explorer - Haruka's Aleo Explorer
- Aleo123 Explorer - Aleo123 Explorer
- Aleo Info Explorer - Aleo Info Explorer
- Nemean - A CLI and SDK for custodians and engineers to interact with the Aleo network
- Introducing Nemean - Blog post written by Pine Street Labs explaining Nemean
- Aleo Grant Recipient: Pine Street Labs - Transcript interview with Pine Street Labs
- Pine Street Labs Fireside Chat - Fireside chat with the Pine Street Labs team
- Spruce DID Kit - Issuance and verification of verifiable credentials using Aleo accounts
- Spruce Fireside Chat - Fireside chat with the Spruce team
- zkDrop - Digital ID and secure file sharing concept based on Aleo
- ANS - The Aleo Naming Service
- zkKYC - A privacy preserving Know Your Customer (KYC) application built on Aleo.
- AleoGuard - A Privacy driven Identity aggregator for plug-and-play SSO built on Aleo
- Alei - Leo apps secured by Tyron Social Recovery.
- Aleo Privacy Pool using zkpID - A demo for threshold-based, privacy-preserving & KYC-ed Aleo transactions using a privacy pool.
- Aleo Voice Mail - A voice text program designed for sending voice messages between two users (sender/receiver) on Aleo.
- Where's Alex - A multiparty hidden information game on Aleo
- Treasure Hunt - A multiparty hidden treasure hunt game on Aleo
- Super Leo Lig - - Challenge a friend to an on-chain soccer game with hidden strategies
- Aleo Fortune - Play classic casino games like roulette and more on Aleo
- Puzzle SDK for zkGames - A SDK for building multiparty hidden information games on Aleo
- Zenet - The ancient Egyptian game of Senet on Aleo
- Battleship - ZK Battleship on Aleo
- CoinFlip - A 2-party random coin flip on Aleo
- Roulette - A Roulette web app built on Aleo
- leo/tictactoe - An implementation of TicTacToe in Leo
- Boloney - An online multiplayer dice game showcasing the potential of Aleo's ZKP platform
- ZK Gaming Toolkit - A toolkit with a variety of pre-built primitives written in Leo for ZK-powered games
- ZK Commitments for atomic Sudoku swaps - Greg Maxwellβs Zero Knowledge Contingent Payments
- Aleo Monopoly - Simple game of Monopoly written in Leo
- Aleo Wordle - Wordle on Aleo
- Rock, Paper, Scissors - Rock, Paper, Scissors on Aleo.
- Sudoku, Wordle, and Trivia - Sudoku, Wordle, and Trivia in Leo.
- ZK Stratego - A game of Stratego, themed as a crypto company.
- QuizGame - Simple and fully documented React-based Quiz Game.
- Onchain VRF - An on-chain Verifiable Random Function (VRF) for on-chain, turn-based games.
- Memorygame - A card guessing game on Aleo.
- Heads or Tails - A heads-or-tails game on Aleo.
- MACI - Minimum Anti-Collusion Infrastructure on Aleo
- Aleo-Vote - A ZK voting application on Aleo
- leo/vote - An example propose and vote mechanism build using Leo
- ZK Suggestion Box - An anonymous suggestion box built on Aleo
- Neural Network Inference - An implementation of a neural network inference in Leo and Python
- Numerical Optimization - Proving stocastic gradient descent using Leo and Otti
- Linear Regression - Univariate linear regression in Leo
- Run Leo - A python package that transpiles Leo code to Python
- Generate Leo - A python package that generates Leo code from Python
- Boosting Models - Privacy preserving ML using Boosting models on Aleo
- Gini Coefficient, Decision Tree, K-Means - A library of machine learning algorithms implemented in Leo
- zkKYC - KYC platform using zkML (Zero-knowledge Machine Learning) algorithms on Aleo blockchain.
- Zero Gravity - Proving an inference pass for a public Weightless Neural Network run on a private input.
- Leo Quantization - Use quantized data in the zkML program in Leo and perform operations on quantized data.
- leo/auction - An auction record format built in Leo
- [Anonymous Rating Survey)(https://github.com/CredLancer/CredLancer_Aleo)- A program to add anonymous ratings to Dapps
- Aleo Oracle - A general purpose, TEE-based blockchain oracle for Aleo
- Aleo Faucet - The official Aleo Testnet Faucet
- Puzzle Wallet - A mobile and extension wallet with Aleo Account Abstraction to explore Aleo, play zkGames & earn rewards
- Puzzle SDK - A SDK for integrating with Puzzle, Avail and any other WalletConnect based wallets.
- Aleo Wallet Connect Standards - A walletconnect standard for Aleo wallets
- iOS Swift Aleo Wallet Starter Kit - A workshop & repo for getting started making your own Aleo iOS client
- Metamask Snap - Aleo - A MetaMask-compatible wallet extension for Aleo accounts
- (Unofficial) Account SDK - An unofficial account SDK for Aleo
- Leo Wallet - A simple and private wallet for Aleo. Early access waitlist now open.
- Leo Wallet Adapter SDK - A SDK for integrating with the Leo wallet
- Avail - A mobile wallet on Aleo focused on enabling real world use of private self custody.
- Coffer - Multisig Smart Contract Wallet on Aleo
- MetaMask Snap (Official) - Official MetaMask Snap for Aleo