chef cookbook for installing wal-e (postgres continuous archiving to s3)
- This recipe automates many of the steps from this excellent article:
See sample usage: here
This cookbook has been developed and tested on ubuntu servers only
- optionally use databox-cookbook which includes postgresqlpython
- wal-e is installed using python pip (package management system)git
- required to install wal-e using pip over git
: AWS Access Key['wal_e']['aws_secret_access_key']
: AWS Secret['wal_e']['wale_s3_prefix']
: S3 url for the bucket where postgres WAL and backups will be stored- i.e. s3://your-lower-case-bucket-name/whatever/wal-e/
: Specify which commit to install wal-e from- Default is HEAD, which will install from the HEAD of master
- Optionally set this to a git commit SHA or a git TAG to install a specific version
- see for stable versions of WAL-e
- NOTE: the recipe uses a marker file with the value from this configuration to determine if it should install a different version of WAL-e, so re-running it when set to HEAD will only run the first time, it will not pull newer commits unless you update this to a value besides HEAD, i.e. a SHA or TAG
: Same as wal_e::master, see above['wal_e']['aws_secret_access_key']
: Same as wal_e::master, see above['wal_e']['wale_s3_prefix']
: Same as wal_e::master, see above['wal_e']['wale_git_install_reference']
Same as wal_e::master, see above['wal_e']['recover']
: add recover options if desired['wal_e']['recover']['recovery_target_timeline']
: default is 'latest'['wal_e']['recover']['recovery_target_time']
: default is nil
Include wal_e
in your node's run_list
"run_list": [
and specify all 3 of the S3 attributes needed by wal-e
"wal_e": {
"aws_secret_access_key": "SECRET",
"aws_access_key_id": "ACCESS_KEY",
"wale_s3_prefix": "s3://your-lower-case-bucket-name/wal-e/or_whatever",
"wale_git_install_reference": "v0.6.2"
Include wal_e
in your node's run_list
"run_list": [
and specify all 3 of the S3 attributes needed by wal-e
optionally add the recover options
"wal_e": {
"aws_secret_access_key": "SECRET",
"aws_access_key_id": "ACCESS_KEY",
"wale_s3_prefix": "s3://your-lower-case-bucket-name/wal-e/or_whatever",
"wale_git_install_reference": "v0.6.2",
"recover": {
"recovery_target_timeline": "latest",
"recovery_target_time": null
WARNING: the recover recipe will delete all of the pg data directory before pulling WAL-e files from S3, you may want to recover to a new server instead of running recover on your master
- take the master offline
- ensure that it will no longer write to S3 with WAL-e
- run the recover recipe to bring up a new server in recovery mode
- once the chef script has completed, you will want to manually verify the server is up and has recovered all data
- ssh onto box and tail postgres log
sudo su - postgres
tail -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.1-main.log
- once server is online verify data is present
psql -c "\l"
psql app1 -c "select * from sample_data_1;"
- ssh onto box and tail postgres log
- Once you have verified the server is up and running and all data is present you will want to 'promote' this server to be the new master
- change your chef configuration for this node
- it is recommended to change the S3 endpoint to a new directory
- see for more information on maintaining separate prefixes for each server that becomes a primary (master) server
- Example wale_s3_prefix
- Original Master:
- Time passes Original Master goes down, bring up Master2 and change the prefix
- Master2:
- Time passes and Master2 goes down, bring up Master3 and change the prefix
- Master3:
- Original Master:
- provision it using chef again
- and then verify that it is now writing WAL files to S3 on the new prefix directory
- add recipe for standby server
- move attributes to encrypted data bag
- allow configuration of cron settings for backup creation
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your changes
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
wal-e cookbook is released under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file
# if you want to continually install latest HEAD version of WAL-e
# run this before the wal_e::common recipe executes - (don't do this in production)
file "/installs/wal-e-marker" do
content " "
psql -c "show data_directory"
# /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main
psql -c "show config_file"
# /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf
sudo pip install -e git+git://
sudo pip install -e git+git://[email protected]#egg=wal-e
sudo pip install -e git+git://
pip list
sudo pip uninstall --yes --quiet wal-e
/usr/local/bin/wal-e version
# =>