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FAST-LIVO2: Fast, Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry

📢 News

  • 🔓 2025-01-23: Code released!
  • 🎉 2024-10-01: Accepted by T-RO '24!
  • 🚀 2024-07-02: Conditionally accepted.

📬 Contact

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Chunran Zheng [email protected].

1. Introduction

FAST-LIVO2 is an efficient and accurate LiDAR-inertial-visual fusion localization and mapping system, demonstrating significant potential for real-time 3D reconstruction and onboard robotic localization in severely degraded environments.

1.1 Related video

Our accompanying video is now available on Bilibili and YouTube.

1.2 Related paper

FAST-LIVO2: Fast, Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry

FAST-LIVO: Fast and Tightly-coupled Sparse-Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry

1.3 Our hard-synchronized equipment

We open-source our handheld device, including CAD files, synchronization scheme, STM32 source code, wiring instructions, and sensor ROS driver. Access these resources at this repository: LIV_handhold.

1.4 Our associate dataset: FAST-LIVO2-Dataset

Our associate dataset FAST-LIVO2-Dataset used for evaluation is also available online. Please note that the dataset is being uploaded gradually.

2. Prerequisited

2.1 Ubuntu and ROS

Ubuntu 16.04~20.04. ROS Installation.

2.2 PCL && Eigen && OpenCV

PCL>=1.6, Follow PCL Installation.

Eigen>=3.3.4, Follow Eigen Installation.

OpenCV>=3.2, Follow Opencv Installation.

2.3 Sophus

Sophus Installation for the non-templated/double-only version.

git clone
cd Sophus
git checkout a621ff
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
sudo make install

2.4 Vikit

Vikit contains camera models, some math and interpolation functions that we need. Vikit is a catkin project, therefore, download it into your catkin workspace source folder.

# Different from the one used in fast-livo1
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone 

2.5 livox_ros_driver

Follow livox_ros_driver Installation.

3. Build

Clone the repository and catkin_make:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

4. Run our examples

Download our collected rosbag files via OneDrive (FAST-LIVO2-Dataset).

roslaunch fast_livo mapping_avia.launch
rosbag play YOUR_DOWNLOADED.bag

5. License

The source code of this package is released under the GPLv2 license. For commercial use, please contact me at [email protected] and Prof. Fu Zhang at [email protected] to discuss an alternative license.