This Dotfiles use Polybar and EWW/ElKowars wacky widgets as bar. You can change the bar using Polybar or EWW.
Distro | Debian 12 |
Terminal | Alacritty |
Widgets | ElKowars wacky widgets |
Shell | Oh My Zsh |
Launcher | Rofi |
Clipboard | Rofi-Greenclip |
Neovim | Neovim-Astronvim |
Compositor | Picom |
Music/Player | MPD-Ncmpcpp |
File Manager | Thunar |
Notification | Dunst |
super + space
Launcher Menu.print
Takes Screenshot.super + return
Open a terminal.super + alt + Return
Open a floating terminal.alt + c
Color Picker.super + alt + w
Changes randomly wallpaper.super + alt + r
Restart bspwm.
And more..
1.- First clone the repository
2.- Copy config :
⚠️ WARNING: Configuration files may be overrided,please backup your config
cd dotfiles-bspwm
cp -r config/* ~/.config/
cp -r local/* ~/.local/
cp -r home/* ~/
3.- This dependecies only works for Debian 12/Ubuntu and based distro, for other distro you can search same packages
sudo apt install bspwm polybar sxhkd alacritty brightnessctl dunst rofi jq policykit-1-gnome git playerctl mpd ncmpcpp geany ranger mpc picom xdotool feh ueberzug maim pamixer libwebp-dev xdg-user-dirs nala webp-pixbuf-loader zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting thunar thunar-volman thunar-archive-plugin gvfs gvfs-backends engrampa tint2 dmenu xdo jgmenu redshift xautolock fzf ytfzf yt-dlp gawk tumbler gpick neofetch xdg-utils python-is-python3 python3-gi gir1.2-nm-1.0 duf libglib2.0-bin btop ncdu bat exa wmctrl acpid xclip scrot acpi mpdris2 libplayerctl-dev gir1.2-playerctl-2.0 lxappearance bc
- For eww
You can extract from folder app support and copy with sudo to /usr/bin/
- For Neovim
Because Neovim in Debian 12 to old, you can install from folder app support or build from Neovim
- For Fonts
Extract in ~/.local/share/fonts than run fc-cache -fv in terminal
- To change bar, from polybar to eww
-- change this line =
eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww daemon &
polybar -q ryan-bar -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/config.ini &
#eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww open bar &
-- become =
#eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww daemon &
#polybar -q ryan-bar -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/config.ini &
eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww open bar &
-- in =
For other you can build from sources :
curl | bash -;
sudo mv greenclip /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/greenclip
git clone
cd tdrop
sudo make install
extract xqp form folder app and move folder "usr" to /
git clone
cd xqp
sudo make install
For Themes and icons :
adi1090x, gh0stzk, rxyhn, AlphaTechnolog, Chick2D, siduck, bakkeby