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GraphQL Language

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A GraphQL parser written in PHP. The parser is able to parse the full spec. This package is compatible with PHP 5.3+. I'm still actively working on this project. Expect things to break. πŸ™ˆ

This package is being developed together with a server package, which isn't public yet.


Via Composer

$ composer require hansott/graphql-language


Parsing a query to a HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\Document

use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\ParseError;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\SyntaxError;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\ParserFactory;

$factory = new ParserFactory;
$parser = $factory->create();

$query = <<<'QUERY'
        author(id: 1) {

try {
    $document = $parser->parse($query);
    var_dump($document); // Instance of HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\Document
} catch (SyntaxError $e) {
    echo "Syntax error in query: {$e->getMessage()}" . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ParseError $e) {
    echo "Failed to parse query: {$e->getMessage()}" . PHP_EOL;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\Node;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\Traverser;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\VisitorBase;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\OperationQuery;

final class VisitorQueryFinder extends VisitorBase // Or implement HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\Visitor
     * @var OperationQuery[]
    private $queries = [];

    public function enterNode(Node $node)
        if ($node instanceof OperationQuery) {
            $this->queries[] = $node;

    public function getQueries()
        return $this->queries;

$document = $parser->parse($query);
$finder = new VisitorQueryFinder;

$traverser = new Traverser($finder);

// Or if you need multiple visitors
// use HansOtt\GraphQL\Query\VisitorMany

$visitors = new VisitorMany([$finder, ...]);
$traverser = new Traverser($visitors);

Parsing a schema declaration to a HansOtt\GraphQL\Schema\Schema

use HansOtt\GraphQL\Schema\ParseError;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Schema\SyntaxError;
use HansOtt\GraphQL\Schema\ParserFactory;

$factory = new ParserFactory;
$parser = $factory->create();

$schema = <<<'SCHEMA'
    enum DogCommand { SIT, DOWN, HEEL }
    type Dog implements Pet {
        name: String!
        nickname: String
        barkVolume: Int
        doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: DogCommand!): Boolean!
        isHousetrained(atOtherHomes: Boolean): Boolean!
        owner: Human
    interface Sentient {
        name: String!
    interface Pet {
        name: String!
    type Alien implements Sentient {
        name: String!
        homePlanet: String
    type Human implements Sentient {
        name: String!
    enum CatCommand { JUMP }
    type Cat implements Pet {
        name: String!
        nickname: String
        doesKnowCommand(catCommand: CatCommand!): Boolean!
        meowVolume: Int
    union CatOrDog = Cat | Dog
    union DogOrHuman = Dog | Human
    union HumanOrAlien = Human | Alien
    type QueryRoot {
        dog: Dog

try {
    $schema = $parser->parse($schema);
    var_dump($schema); // Instance of HansOtt\GraphQL\Schema\Schema
} catch (SyntaxError $e) {
    echo "Syntax error in query: {$e->getMessage()}" . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ParseError $e) {
    echo "Failed to parse query: {$e->getMessage()}" . PHP_EOL;

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email hansott at hotmail be instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.