mua-frontend is a Vue 3 plugin that integrates seamlessly with mua-backend to provide a complete authentication and user management system. By combining mua-frontend and mua-backend, developers can easily implement a robust system featuring login, user management, admin tools, and more. The system is "slack-like," meaning it supports multiple workspaces where users can log into each workspace separately. Users can have distinct credentials for each workspace, such as different passwords or a mix of login methods like Google login for one and password login for another.
mua-frontend simplifies the process of integrating authentication into your Vue applications. It includes prebuilt components, Pinia stores, and API connectors to enable:
- User authentication
- Admin and user-specific views
- Account and profile management
- Customizable UI and routing integration
- Prebuilt Components: Includes login, user, and admin views.
- Stores: Manages authentication, users and account states using Pinia.
- Connectors: Streamlined API communication with mua-Backend.
- Customizable Views: Easily integrate into your app's routing and layout.
Install mua-frontend via npm:
npm install mua-frontend
You can find more details about mua-backend
on its npm page or github repository. mua-frontend
works seamlessly with mua-backend
to provide a complete authentication and user management system
In your main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { createPinia } from 'pinia';
import { createVuetify } from 'vuetify'
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import App from './App.vue';
import router from './router';
import MuaFrontend from 'mua-frontend';
import muaEnglish from 'mua-frontend/src/locales/en.json'
import '@mdi/font/css/materialdesignicons.css'
import 'vuetify/styles'
const vuetify = createVuetify({})
const pinia = createPinia();
const i18n = createI18n({
legacy: false,
locale: 'en',
fallbackLocale: 'en',
messages: {
en: muaEnglish
.use(MuaFrontend, {
env: import.meta.env,
userComponents: {}
Mua-Frontend requires the following:
- router: The Vue Router instance for routing.
- pinia: The Pinia instance for state management.
- env: App ENV variables
- userComponents: Custom Vue components for specific UI messages (e.g., sign-up messages).
Your app must have the following:
- i18n: Configures internationalization for translations and localization using vue-i18n.
- pinia: Sets up state management with Pinia.
- vuetify: Adds Material Design components and styling with Vuetify.
- router: Integrates the Vue Router instance for app routing. These plugins are essential for the functionality and customization of your app.
To receive Mua operation notifications in your Vue 3 app, add the <MuaErrorMessage />
component to App.vue
. This component will display a snackbar that slides down from the top with messages for success, errors, and warnings. The success messages will appear with a green background, errors with a red background, and warnings with a yellow background. To trigger the notifications, use a method or store action after operations like user actions to show the relevant message in the snackbar.
Mua-Frontend requires the following variables to be included in your .env
VITE_AUTH_PROVIDERS=['google', 'github', 'microsoft']
: The URL to your Terms and Conditions page. This link will be displayed in relevant parts of the app to provide access to your terms. -
: The URL to your Privacy Policy page. This link will be shown wherever privacy details need to be shared with users. -
: The name of your application, which will be displayed in places like the navbar, loading screens, and headers. -
: The title of your application, used in browser titles or other display areas where a more descriptive name is needed. -
: The base URL of your backend server. This is used by the app to communicate with your backend services. -
: An array of OAuth providers, which can include'google'
, and'microsoft'
. These providers must be properly configured in mua-backend. If setup is complete for any of these providers, adding them here will automatically enable them in your app for user authentication.
To ensure proper optimization of dependencies, include the following in your vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
optimizeDeps: {
include: ['qs', 'vue3-apexcharts'],
The optimizeDeps.include
option tells Vite to pre-bundle specific dependencies during the development build. This can:
- Improve Startup Time: By pre-bundling, Vite optimizes these dependencies, reducing the time taken to load them during development.
- Ensure Compatibility: Some packages (like
) may require explicit inclusion to avoid issues like failed imports or slow performance. This setup ensures that these dependencies are ready for use and integrated seamlessly.
Pass custom components to Mua-Frontend to fit your app's needs.
- FinalizeRegistrationLinks: Links displayed under the AccountFinalizedMsg and VerifyEmailMsg templates.
- VerifyEmailMsg: A message displayed after the user verifies their email.
- CustomSystemStats: Displays system statistics in the user and admin dashboards.
userComponents: {
::: warning AccountFinalizedMsg and VerifyEmailMsg has no default. Not providing them means users will not receive a welcome message after completing registration or verifying their email. :::
Admins can:
- View and manage all accounts
- Overall accounts statistics
- Access system settings
- Manage users within an account
- User Features
Users can:
- Access account-specific details
- Update their profile and account settings
The mua-frontend
package exports the following stores, which allow users to interact with accounts, users, and admins:
Each store provides various methods to manage and interact with the respective entities.
Methods for managing accounts:
- load: Load account data.
- loadMore: Load additional account data.
- async createOneByAdmin(formData): Create an account by an admin.
- async createAccount(formData): Create a new account.
- async readOne(): Get details of a single account.
- async patchAccountName({ user, name }): Update account name.
- async patchUrlFriendlyName(newUrlFriendlyName): Update the URL-friendly name for the account.
- async uploadLogo(formData): Upload a logo for the account.
- async deleteLogo(): Delete the account logo.
- async deleteAccount(password): Delete the account using a password.
- async getAccountByUrlFriendlyName(urlFriendlyName): Retrieve an account using its URL-friendly name.
Methods for managing users:
- load: Load user data.
- loadMore: Load more user data.
- patchRole: Modify a user's role.
- async deleteOne({ id, password, accountId }): Delete a user account.
- async login(token, password, accountId): Log in a user with the provided token and credentials.
- async loginWithUrlFriendlyName(params): Log in with a URL-friendly name.
- async getAccessToken(loginToken): Get an access token using the login token.
- async loginWithProvider({ id, provider }): Log in with a third-party provider.
- async createWithProvider({ accountId, userId, provider }): Create a user with a third-party provider.
- async linkToProvider({ accountId, id, provider }): Link a user account to a third-party provider.
- async disconnectProvider({ id, password, accountId, provider }): Disconnect a third-party provider from a user account.
- async loginGetAccounts(email): Get accounts associated with the email during login.
- async getRecentLoginsAccounts(): Retrieve a list of recent logins by users.
- async removeRecentLoginAccount(urlFriendlyName): Remove a recent login account.
- logout(): Log out the user.
- async sendForgotPassword(data): Send a forgot password email.
- async resetForgotPassword(forgotPasswordToken, newPassword, newPasswordAgain): Reset the user’s password.
- async sendInvitation(email): Send an invitation email to a user.
- async reSendInvitation(email): Resend an invitation email.
- async acceptInvitation(acceptInvitationToken, newPassword, newPasswordAgain, name): Accept an invitation and set the user’s password.
- async readOne(): Get details of the logged-in user.
- async patchUserName(name): Update the user’s name.
- async patchPassword(oldPassword, newPassword, newPasswordAgain): Update the user’s password.
- async createPassword({ token, id, accountId }): Create a password during user registration.
- async reSendFinalizeRegistration({ accountId, userId }): Resend the final registration email.
- async finalizeRegistration(token): Finalize the user’s registration.
- async patchEmail(newEmail, newEmailAgain): Update the user’s email.
- async patchEmailConfirm(token): Confirm the user’s new email.
- async uploadProfilePicture(formData): Upload a new profile picture.
- async deleteProfilePicture(): Delete the user’s profile picture.
Methods for managing admins:
- load: Load admin data.
- loadMore: Load more admin data.
- delete: Delete an admin account.
- async deleteOne({ id, password }): Delete an admin account by ID and password.
- async login(email, password): Log in as an admin.
- logout(): Log out the admin.
- async sendForgotPassword(email): Send a forgot password email to the admin.
- async resetForgotPassword(forgotPasswordToken, newPassword, newPasswordAgain): Reset an admin’s password.
- async sendInvitation(email): Send an invitation email to an admin.
- async reSendInvitation(email): Resend an admin invitation email.
- async acceptInvitation(acceptInvitationToken, newPassword, newPasswordAgain, name): Accept an admin invitation and set a new password.
- async refreshAccessToken(): Get admin’s access token.
- async patchName(name): Update the admin’s name.
- async patchPassword(oldPassword, newPassword, newPasswordAgain): Change the admin’s password.
- async patchEmail(newEmail, newEmailAgain): Update the admin’s email.
- async patchEmailConfirm(token): Confirm the admin’s updated email.
- async readOne(): Get details of the logged-in admin.
- async uploadProfilePicture(formData): Upload the admin’s profile picture.
- async deleteProfilePicture(): Delete the admin’s profile picture.
- true: The route requires authentication (user must be logged in).
- false: The route is accessible without authentication.
::: warning
Adding requiresAuth
in route meta:
- Set
requiresAuth: true
for routes that require authentication. - Set
requiresAuth: false
for routes that don’t require authentication. :::
Path | Name | Requires Authentication | Description |
/ |
default-route |
No | Default route, redirects to accounts login accounts/login |
/provider-auth |
provider-auth |
No | Route for provider authentication |
/system-admins/login |
system-admins-login |
No | Login page for system admins |
/system-admins/forgot-password |
system-admins-forgot-password |
No | Forgot password page for system admins |
/system-admins/forgot-password/reset |
system-admins-forgot-password-reset |
No | Reset password page for system admins |
/system-admins/invitation/accept |
system-admins-accept-invitation |
No | Accept invitation page for system admins |
/system-admins/verify-email |
system-admins-verify-email |
No | Email verification page for system admins |
/system-admins |
system-admins-main |
Yes | Main page for system admins |
/system-admins/admins |
system-admins |
Yes | Admin management page |
/system-admins/dashboard |
admins-dashboard |
Yes | Dashboard page for system admins |
/system-admins/accounts |
system-admins-accounts |
Yes | Accounts management page for system admins |
/system-admins/me |
system-admins-me |
Yes | Profile page for system admins |
/system-admins/change-password |
system-admins-change-password |
Yes | Change password page for system admins |
/system-admins/change-email |
system-admins-change-email |
Yes | Change email page for system admins |
/system-admins/settings |
system-admins-settings |
Yes | Settings page for system admins |
/system-admins/:id |
system-admins-admin |
Yes | Admin details page for system admins |
/accounts/login |
accounts-login |
No | Login page for accounts |
/accounts/login/:urlFriendlyName |
accounts-login-with-urlFriendlyName |
No | Login page for accounts with URL-friendly name |
/accounts/login-select |
accounts-login-select |
No | Login select page for accounts |
/accounts/finalize-registration |
accounts-finalize-registration |
No | Finalize registration page for accounts |
/accounts/create-account |
accounts-create-account |
No | Create account page for accounts |
/accounts/create-password |
accounts-create-password |
No | Create password page for accounts |
/accounts/forgot-password |
accounts-forgot-password |
No | Forgot password page for accounts |
/accounts/verify-email |
accounts-verify-email |
No | Email verification page for accounts |
/accounts/forgot-password/reset |
accounts-forgot-password-reset |
No | Reset password page for accounts |
/accounts/invitation/accept |
accounts-accept-invitation |
No | Accept invitation page for accounts |
/accounts |
accounts |
Yes | Main account page with child routes |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName |
accounts-default |
Yes | Default account page (redirect to dashboard) |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName/users |
accounts-users |
Yes | User management page for accounts |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName/me |
accounts-me |
Yes | Profile page for the account owner |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName/change-password |
accounts-change-password |
Yes | Change password page for the account owner |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName/add-password |
accounts-add-password |
Yes | Add password page for the account owner |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName/change-email |
accounts-change-email |
Yes | Change email page for the account owner |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName/settings |
accounts-settings |
Yes | Settings page for the account owner |
/accounts/:urlFriendlyName/account |
accounts-account |
Yes | Account details page for the account owner |
/redirect-to-login-message |
redirect-to-login-message |
No | Redirect to login message page |
/:catchAll(.*) |
notFound |
No | Catch-all page for unknown routes |
Before route transitions, the following checks are performed:
- Token Check: Verifies if the accessToken exists and is not expired. If invalid, the user is redirected to the login page.
Check: Ensures the urlFriendlyName in the URL matches the stored account name. If not, the route is updated.- Protected Routes: Routes with the requiresAuth flag check for a valid token and correct urlFriendlyName before allowing access.
Path: /logout
- Clears the
and redirects to the login page.