Releases: grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware
What's Changed
- Return uint64 from exponentBase2 function by @fesiqueira in #753
- add build tag to disable tracing by @rashmi-tondare in #754
New Contributors
- @fesiqueira made their first contribution in #753
- @rashmi-tondare made their first contribution in #754
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1
What's Changed
- logging: add AddFields by @kindermoumoute in #739
- logging: store the propagated context in the reporter by @kindermoumoute in #740
- Add skip_healthchecks logging example by @bkane-msft in #742
- grpc_retry backoff overflow by @JacobSMoller in #747
- defer cancel() leaks memory by @JacobSMoller in #748
- protovalidate: support new protovalidate-go Validator interface by @zchee in #746
New Contributors
- @bkane-msft made their first contribution in #742
- @JacobSMoller made their first contribution in #747
- @zchee made their first contribution in #746
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
What's Changed
- Call retry callback on retry by @fredr in #700
- interceptors: Update logging interceptor Reporter to re-extract fields from context before logging by @chancez in #702
- logging: Document correct WithFieldsFromContext/WithFieldsFromContextAndCallMeta usage by @chancez in #703
- Include error details in protovalidate responses by @akshayjshah in #714
- protovalidate: avoid pointer comparisons by @akshayjshah in #715
- Support for namespace in grpc prometheus counter and histogram metrics by @hyungi in #718
- Protovalidate interceptor cleanup, Go version bump by @ash2k in #721
- Use ValueFromIncomingContext() to reduce allocations and copying by @ash2k in #723
- Update examples to the latest otelgrpc API by @nmittler in #729
- Fix grpc middleware interceptor not PostCall-ing when a streaming RPC with non-streaming server finishes successfully. by @alexandrupitis1 in #725
- x-retry-attempt to StreamClientInterceptor by @Boklazhenko in #733
- logging: add WithErrorFields by @kindermoumoute in #734
- example: use slog instead of go-kit by @kindermoumoute in #735
New Contributors
- @fredr made their first contribution in #700
- @marefr made their first contribution in #706
- @akshayjshah made their first contribution in #714
- @hyungi made their first contribution in #718
- @nmittler made their first contribution in #729
- @alexandrupitis1 made their first contribution in #725
- @Boklazhenko made their first contribution in #733
- @kindermoumoute made their first contribution in #734
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: providers/prometheus/v1.0.0...providers/prometheus/v1.0.1
What's Changed
- Support for subsystem in grpc prometheus counter and histogram metrics by @rohsaini in #643
- doc: update client interceptors chaining example with grpc functions by @dethi in #669
- adds fields from durationFieldFunc to request/response log entries by @vroldanbet in #670
- add doc for disabling log opts by @coleenquadros in #680
- Middleware for determining the real ip of the client by @MadsRC in #682
- protovalidate: add option to ignore certain message types by @igor-tsiglyar in #684
- Update by @zeroboo in #688
- Fix
signature to allow use withxds.GRPCServer
by @bozaro in #689 - Support retriable func condition by @tamayika in #687
- Extend realip parsing of GRPC peer address to handle IPv6 by @surik in #692
- Fix logging Example : log only first field by @arckadious in #694
- Extent realip interceptors with ip selection based on proxy count and list by @surik in #695
- Fix for vulnerability CVE-2023-44487 by @vkaushik in #696
New Contributors
- @rohsaini made their first contribution in #643
- @dethi made their first contribution in #669
- @vroldanbet made their first contribution in #670
- @MadsRC made their first contribution in #682
- @igor-tsiglyar made their first contribution in #684
- @zeroboo made their first contribution in #688
- @bozaro made their first contribution in #689
- @tamayika made their first contribution in #687
- @surik made their first contribution in #692
- @arckadious made their first contribution in #694
- @vkaushik made their first contribution in #696
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- Fix outdated 'make proto' command by @takp in #623
- Fix linting errors by @takp in #624
- Logging: Add missing variadic operator for fields by @olivierlemasle in #629
- feat: Support extracting fields from CallMeta by @fsaintjacques in #628
- Fix "make test" and "make lint" by @olivierlemasle in #627
- Do not set timeout for stream initialization by @DavyJohnes in #645
- Add logging option to disable fields in log entry by @coleenquadros in #631
- Update logging adapter docs by @aboryslawski in #647
New Contributors
- @takp made their first contribution in #623
- @olivierlemasle made their first contribution in #629
- @fsaintjacques made their first contribution in #628
- @DavyJohnes made their first contribution in #645
- @coleenquadros made their first contribution in #631
- @aboryslawski made their first contribution in #647
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
This is the first stable release of the new v2 release branch 🎉
Many of the interceptors have been rewritten from scratch and the project has been upgraded to use the Go Protobuf v2 API.
See the project README for details and migration guide. Thanks to all contributors who made this possible! 💪🏽
What's Changed
- Initial change for v2. by @bwplotka in #276
- Updated README with note that it's under development. by @bwplotka in #278
- Fix typo in field extractor (splices -> slices) (#287) by @bvwells in #289
- Moved imports to v2; Moved to Go 1.14.2 by @bwplotka in #290
- Formatted code; Added goimports to Makefile, Renamed pb_testproto to testpb. by @bwplotka in #291
- Fixed providers go modules, examples and consistency. by @bwplotka in #292
- added example for AuthFuncOverride v2 branch by @tegk in #294
- Added some description of the Makefile in the by @yashrsharma44 in #298
- v2: Add support for the zerolog logging provider by @irridia in #299
- proto: fix gogoproto import by @johanbrandhorst in #302
- Retry dial and connection errors for grpc stream. by @kartlee in #308
- Moved to GH actions; Added lint; Added issue/PR templates. by @bwplotka in #296
- inline localhost certificate into go file by @bmon in #318
- Update streaming interceptor example by @G07cha in #322
- Do not stop retrying based on earlier good message from the stream by @kartlee in #323
- test certs - cherry-pick PR325 on v2 by @dmitris in #331
- add all make target, reword instructions by @dmitris in #335
- remove 1.12.x from build config for consistency with master by @dmitris in #337
- [v2] Fix the special case for jaeger format traceid extraction by @nvx in #340
- [v2] Fix ctxtags TagBasedRequestFieldExtractor extracting from fields in a oneof by @nvx in #339
- Request Logging by @yashrsharma44 in #311
- Bug fix for data race by @yashrsharma44 in #354
- make ratelimit interface context aware by @xinxiao in #367
- Add error param to the decider method of logging middleware by @yashrsharma44 in #372
- [v2] Add skip interceptor by @XSAM in #364
- Chain middleware by @drewwells in #385
- Update travis ci badget to Github actions badge. by @drewwells in #384
- Upgraded proto related deps: grpc and protobuf; removed gogo from core. by @bwplotka in #321
- improve v2 rate-limiter by @MalloZup in #380
- Moved to buf; Added buf lint; Fixed ping service to match standards; … by @bwplotka in #383
- Add timer interface for OpenMetrics(Prometheus) Provider by @yashrsharma44 in #387
- [Rate-limit provider]: Add token bucket implementation of rate-limiter by @MalloZup in #386
- Add OpenMetrics(Prometheus) in the provider module by @yashrsharma44 in #379
- v2: Client unary interceptor timeout on v2 branch by @instabledesign in #330
- add onRetryCallback callback function by @shamil in #405
- v2: validator support for protoc-gen-validate 0.6.0 by @danielhochman in #418
- v2: Refactor metrics interceptor and fix tests by @ash2k in #413
- Support customization of timestamp format (v2 branch) by @stanhu in #399
- Fixed misleading comments in the interceptor file by @iamrajiv in #424
- v2: Switch from to interfaces by @liggitt in #427
- v2: Add support for the phuslog logging provider by @ogimenezb in #425
- v2:providers/zap: fix caller annotation by @jkawamoto in #432
- Added Dependabot by @iamrajiv in #376
- Added a Copyright check in the Makefile by @yashrsharma44 in #420
- Cleanup v2 with some updates by @yashrsharma44 in #419
- openmetrics: forward server context by @amenzhinsky in #434
- recovery: change the default behavior by @amenzhinsky in #439
- Add all-validator support by @leventeliu in #443
- Remove backoffutils and added the files to retry package by @yashrsharma44 in #390
- v2:interceptors/logging: allow to separate request response payload logging by @michaljemala in #442
- Removed tags; Simplified interceptor code; Added logging fields editability. by @bwplotka in #394
- InterceptorTestSuite client connection optimize by @HUSTtoKTH in #455
- Remove opentracing from go.mod by @jpkrohling in #477
- Replace two old Go versions with two new ones by @jpkrohling in #478
- Move util/metautils to root-level package metadata, fixes #392 by @rahulkhairwar in #474
- Remove data race from zerolog provider by @ecordell in #487
- Update provider/kit by @metalmatze in #490
- Refactor tracing interceptor by @XSAM in #450
- Add opentracing provider by @XSAM in #492
- update phuslog to fix typo by @ogimenezb in #499
- Added logr as logging Library provider by @mcdoker18 in #510
- ✨ new feat: selector middleware by @aimuz in #511
- Add 1.18.x and 1.19.x unit tests by @aimuz in #513
- change the doc.go to the latest format by @aimuz in #512
- fix provider examples by @forsaken628 in #529
- docs: add
usage description by @aimuz in #541 - Bump from 0.0.0-20201021035429-f5854403a974 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in #537
- v2: All for v2: Exemplars, Cleanup, Docs, Lint, Proto upgrades and more by @bwplotka in #543
- [interceptors/validator] feat: add error logging in validator by @rohanraj7316 in #544
- fix auto-generated docs by @peczenyj in #548
- fix vulnerability GO-2022-0603 by @peczenyj in #549
- add support to trace on grpc_logrus.DefaultMessageProducer by @peczenyj in #547
- Simplified logging middleware; Fields are now "any" type; Moved logging providers to examples only. by @bwplotka in #552
- Removed deciders; Cleaned up validators. by @bwplotka in #554
- Adjustments to README and consistency of callback options. by @bwplotka in #555
- Merge v2 into main (with -X theirs) by...
This is meant to be the last RC release with API changes (!). No more breaking changes are planned.
If no objections or feedback will be given, we will release v2 around 15th April.
What's Changed
- Removed deciders; Cleaned up validators. by @bwplotka in #554
- Adjustments to README and consistency of callback options. by @bwplotka in #555
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-rc.4...v2.0.0-rc.5
What's Changed
- fix provider examples by @forsaken628 in #529
- docs: add
usage description by @aimuz in #541 - v2: All for v2: Exemplars, Cleanup, Docs, Lint, Proto upgrades and more by @bwplotka in #543
- [interceptors/validator] feat: add error logging in validator by @rohanraj7316 in #544
- Simplified logging middleware; Fields are now "any" type; Moved logging providers to examples only. by @bwplotka in #552
New Contributors
- @forsaken628 made their first contribution in #529
- @rohanraj7316 made their first contribution in #544
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-rc.3...v2.0.0-rc.4