This repository contains OpenWrt packages related to the Reticulum ecosystem. The feed currently provides packages for the Reticulum Network Stack, an open-source cryptography-based networking stack designed for reliable communication over high-latency, low-bandwidth networks.
This feed is under active development and not yet ready for general use.
We are working on stabilizing the packages and resolving various implementation challenges, particularly around Python module integration in OpenWrt's constrained environment.
This feed provides the following packages:
The core Reticulum Network Stack implementation with Python dependencies.rnspure
Pure Python variant of the Reticulum Network Stack with no external dependencies required for installation.lxmf
Lightweight Extensible Message Format implementation for messaging over Reticulum.nomadnet
Terminal-based resilient mesh communications platform built on LXMF and Reticulum.python3-urwid
- Console user interface library required by nomadnet.
Note: The -src
packages are optional and provide the Python source code, while the standard packages contain only bytecode and metadata as is typical for OpenWrt packages. Most users will only need the standard packages.
To use this feed, you need:
- A computer running some Debian
- OpenWrt buildroot environment
- This feed
Install required system packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -qy \
build-essential \
ccache \
file \
flex \
bison \
g++ \
gawk \
gettext \
git \
libncurses5-dev \
libssl-dev \
python3-setuptools \
rsync \
unzip \
wget \
- Clone OpenWrt repository:
git clone --depth 5
cd openwrt
- Configure feeds:
# Create feeds configuration if it doesn't exist
[ ! -f feeds.conf ] && cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf
# Ensure reticulum feed is properly configured
if ! grep -q '^src-git reticulum' feeds.conf; then
# Comment out any existing reticulum entries
sed -i '/src-git reticulum/s/^/#/' feeds.conf
# Add our feed
echo "src-git reticulum" >> feeds.conf
Your feeds.conf
should look similar to this:
src-git packages
src-git luci
src-git reticulum
- List using the
utility to confirm:
./scripts/feeds list -s
packages src-git c01643e78bdf2bcb7de93c7f5408d1c2c4c84aaa
luci src-git 96c36543311b4120667f463e99a65704f3546a0f
reticulum src-git 39de91edbbff76e84d1672b71a7fc299ff0d6e67
- Update and install from all feeds:
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
For a default configuration:
make defconfig
To build specific packages:
# Clean and rebuild RNS package
make package/feeds/reticulum/rns/clean
make package/feeds/reticulum/rns/compile V=s
make package/index
will skip building dependencies. Building of therns
package will fail if the required dependencies have not been built before. It's meant to speed up development iterations.
adds very verbose output logging. Remove for proven builds.
make package/feeds/reticulum/rns/compile V=s NO_DEPS=1
For a full system build (optional):
make -j$(nproc) world
This could result in a bootable distribution. No testing has been done yet!
Basic UCI configuration:
# Enable the service
uci set rns.main.enabled=1
uci commit rns
# Start the service
service rns start
Configuration directory: /var/rns
Configuration file: /etc/config/rns
Basic UCI configuration:
# Enable the service
uci set lxmf.main.enabled=1
# Enable propagation node (optional)
uci set lxmf.main.propagation_node=1
uci commit lxmf
# Start the service
service lxmf start
Configuration directory: /var/rns
Configuration file: /etc/config/lxmf
Basic UCI configuration:
# Enable the service
uci set nomadnet.main.enabled=1
uci commit nomadnet
# Start the service
service nomadnet start
Configuration directory: /var/rns
Configuration file: /etc/config/nomadnet
No configuration required - library package.
Python module import issues related to OpenWrt's bytecode-only packagingService initialization requires further testingDocumentation needs expansionImplementation of procd service files needs testing- Ship suitable configuration for
We welcome contributions to expand the Reticulum ecosystem on OpenWrt. Please ensure your pull requests are well-documented and include appropriate test cases.
Each package is released under its respective license:
- RNS: MIT License
- LXMF: MIT License
- Nomadnet: GPL-3.0
- python3-urwid: LGPL-2.1 or later
- Mark Qvist for creating Reticulum Network Stack
- The OpenWrt team
- All contributors to the Reticulum ecosystem