Django Maroc Telecommerce is an application that implements Maroc Telecommerce payment gateway. Is is based on their 1.9 specs. Basically it takes care of the DigitalOffer (order) posting to the gateway as well as the callback handling. It uses Signals and HttpRedirects for optimal decoupling.
Each order made to the gateway is persisted to db.
pip install -e [email protected]:coulix/django-maroc-telecommerce.git#egg=dango-maroc-telecommerce
# Restkit (HTTP lib)
pip install -e git+
Add the app to you
Override the default callback in your to add your own redirect_url which will be used for the http redirect once the payment is done
urlpatterns += patterns('maroc_telecommerce.views',
url(r'purchase/payment/maroc_telecommerce/callback/$', 'callback',
kwargs={'success_redirect_url': '/purchase/completed',
'failure_redirect_url': '/purchase/fail'}),
Submit an order
from maroc_telecommerce.models import DigitalOffer
digital_offer = DigitalOffer(cart_id=...)
is_valid : True if the POST data from the callback matches a saved digital offer.
is_payed : True if the POST data result is 'ok'
mtc_order_num : Maroc telecommerce id
order_id : Your cart id
post_data : The raw post data
GATEWAY_URL : the production gateway url
GATEWAY_TEST_URL : test gateway url
STORE_ID : Your store id (provided by maroc telecommerce)
SECRET : Secret key (provided as well)
LANG : 'EN' or 'FR'