Broadcasting on a set of channels in Go. Go channels offer different usage patterns but not ready to use broadcast pattern. This library solves the problem in direct way. Each routine keeps member structure with own input channel and single for all members output channel. Central dispatcher accepts broadcasts and resend them to all members.
Firstly import package and create broadcast group. You may create any number of groups for different broadcasts:
import (
group := bcast.NewGroup() // create broadcast group
go group.Broadcast(0) // accepts messages and broadcast it to all members
You may listen broadcasts limited time:
bcast.Broadcast(2 * time.Minute) // if message not arrived during 2 min. function exits
Now join to the group from different goroutines:
member1 := group.Join() // joined member1 from one routine
Either member may send message which received by all other members of the group:
member1.Send("test message") // send message to all members
Also you may send message to group from nonmember of a group:
group.Send("test message")
Method Send
accepts interface{}
type so any values may be broadcasted.
member2 := group.Join() // joined member2 form another routine
val := member1.Recv() // broadcasted value received
Another way to receive broadcasted messages is listen input channel of the member.
val := <-*member1.In // each member keeps pointer to its own input channel
It may be convenient for example when select
See more examples in a test suit bcast_test.go
go get
The library doesn't require external packages for build. The next package required if you want to run unit tests:
Library licensed under BSD 3-clause license. See LICENSE.
WIP again. There is bug found (see #12) and some possible improvements are waiting for review (#9).
API is stable. No major changes planned, maybe small improvements.