Golang library to read data from Bosch BME280 sensor. It requires library to talk to the device via following interface:
type bus interface {
ReadReg(byte, []byte) error
WriteReg(byte, []byte) error
One of the libraries which matches this interface is experimental standard I/O lib.
package main
import (
func main() {
d, err := i2c.Open(&i2c.Devfs{Dev: "/dev/i2c-1"}, bme280.I2CAddr)
if err != nil {
b := bme280.New(d)
err = b.Init()
t, p, h, err := b.EnvData()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Temp: %fC, Press: %fhPa, Hum: %f%%\n", t, p, h)